
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
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Catfolk Race

File updated in April, 2006.

The Catfolk race
General description:
The catfolk are a breed of bipedal felines whose true origins are
shrouded in the blurry mists of what is unknown. They are quiet and
strong warriors, silent in their stalk. They are of many types and
breeds, all great cats. In the night it is said that they gather
together and delve into the arts of the arcane, but no one who has
dared to intrude upon them has ever lived to tell their tale.
Being nimble like their animal cousins, the catfolk are said to
be the best race when it comes down to avoiding being hit in a
melee combat.
  Alva leads the Catfolk race.

Strength: great                    Dexterity: awesome
Intelligence: average              Wisdom: average
Constitution: decent               Size: average

Other features:
They regenerate damage slowly. They are superior beings and therefore need
more experience points. They adapt well to the most complicated skills. Even
the most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They can see in the
dark. They can eat corpses. They can sometimes escape death. They gain bonuses
in melee combat if there are more than one of them in the party. They dislike
water because their thick fur gets wet and heavy. They have excellent vision.

You open a book entitled 'Lonely Bat.'
Name: The Followers of Silvan the Vagabond
Command: vagabond
Creator: Malitrius
Maximum level: 5

Nobody know for sure how or when the catfolk came to BatMUD. But according to
their own lore they claim to be created by Silvan the vagabond many eons ago.
Silvan has never confirmed or denied that claim. For he is what he is, the
eternal vagabond. He don't give any obligations nor does he have any himself.
Catfolk still worship him as their god. And they live by his codex. To live
free without any obligations. But still their goal with their travells is to
once meet Silvan and confirm their ancestry.

Abilities gained when joining:
 Receive bonuses as you advance
 May train skill Alertness to 9%
 May train skill Attack to 9%
 May train skill Sneak to 9%
 May study spell Clairvoyance to 10%
 May study spell See magic to 10%
 May train skill Hunting to 19%

Abilities and requirements at each level:
 Level 2:
   May train skill Alertness to 19%
   May train skill Attack to 19%
   May train skill Sneak to 19%
   May study spell Clairvoyance to 13%
   May study spell See magic to 20%
   May train skill Hunting to 38%

 Level 3:
   May train skill Alertness to 28%
   May train skill Dodge to 4%
   May train skill Attack to 28%
   May train skill Sneak to 28%
   May study spell Clairvoyance to 17%
   May study spell See magic to 30%
   May train skill Hunting to 57%

 Level 4:
   May train skill Alertness to 38%
   May train skill Dodge to 14%
   May train skill Attack to 38%
   May train skill Sneak to 38%
   May study spell Clairvoyance to 21%
   May study spell See magic to 40%
   May train skill Hunting to 76%

 Level 5:
   May train skill Alertness to 48%
   May train skill Dodge to 24%
   May train skill Attack to 48%
   May train skill Sneak to 48%
   May study spell Clairvoyance to 25%
   May study spell See magic to 50%
   May train skill Hunting to 96%

Allows joining to the following guild:
 The Followers of Silvan the Vagabond

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"