Newbie Playground
Area Info
Dirs: 10 sw, 7w, 5 sw from S-Cross.
Coder: Jacinth
General Descrip: Nice little newbie area.
Difficulty: newbie, midbie (for Arnold)
Area Size: 28 rooms with 2 hidden
Last Update: January 22, 2005
Monsie Info:
Arnold ?k highsteel mace
Highbie 400 random knife
Lorne 4k random weapon
Marcus Highberry 2k iron knife, key
Nelson 2k
Newbie 150 none
Area Map:
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T= tree
S= swings
u= up
d= down
slide= brings you back to ground lvl (the first 'u' from the left)
* Be sure to climb the tree in the southwestern corner. You'll need a key
to get through the locked door. Wonder where you can get a key from?
* Arnold's one tough dude.
* Swing on swings.
* Map and info by Quenthalion.
"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"