Recent Site Updates
December 2009 New areas:
Village of Aldor
Major updates to:
Mushroom Hill
Minor updates to:
Newbie Forest
November 2009 Updates to many areas. Starting process of updating current area locations.
Major updates to:
Ant Hill
2007-2008 Web site hiatus -- Dryad took a break from the game, post-conversion.
Spring 2006 Massive update to the site.
Areas added:
Catfolk Treehouse Norse Village
Caverns of Chaos Pier
Enchanted Forest Tarackia
Goddess Garden Trog Village
Jondalar Tunnel
Area updates:
Too numerous to list, over 30.
Many logs, mostly ancient material. New interviews.
Materials alloying tables were re-posted to the site.
Fall 2005 Areas added:
Areas updated:
Midnight Carnival
Other stuff:
Many new logs and interviews
Summer 2005 Areas added:
Abandoned Valley Stagira
Pleasantville Duzelton
Areas updated:
Newbie Mines Skeep prison
Ant Hill Hell's Dojo
References added to library:
Alch Ring FAQ
Alch Potion FAQ
Reagents list
Material properties, materials by type
March 2005 Areas updated:
Ant Hill
References added/updated in the library:
Guide to Mixing Salves
Herb Pairs Herbs by Season
Organ Notes Shift Blade Materials Guide
February 2005 Areas added to the site:
Midnight Carnival, Vanion, Conclave, Darkwood
Door to the Past, Katvil Forest, Land of Anarchy
Legolas, Noran, Pyran, Snow Mountain, Wainamoinen
Map additions to:
Donaru, Arthur, Reavers
Miscellaneous updates to:
Castle Halberdheath, Perins, Newbie Mountain,
Horsehead Mountain
Many reference guides added to the Library section of the site.
Materials by type -- useful for newbie merchants
Alchemist potion list
Lawyer's guide -- includes loan information
Shop inventories -- to help merchants and alchs
January 2005 Many updates, especially to eq/weapons info.
New areas: Beach (Marble-sanded Beach), 1000 Acre Forest, Urvile Tree
Caves of Orac, Rillion, Castle Brantis, Mountain Dwarves.
Rebuilt the library, added numerous books.
Added maps for Urvile Tree, Monty Python, Toxic.
All of 2004 Minor corrections and updates. No major additions.
October, 2003 Few more areas added to the site: Ant Hill and Nalle's Dark Castle.
Did updates to: Rainforest, Newbie Mountain.
September, 2003 I've done several updates a month over the last year, more frequently in the last
few months. Working through player updates -- please send more, as I'm about caught
up on player submissions and don't have time to do much game research myself now.
Added Horn Durath, Rainbow Cloak, and Snootling area infos.
Spring 2003 Removed alloy tables for personal reasons.
July, 2002 Updated a huge number of areas. Added about a half-dozen areas to the site.
Restructured the materials section and added alloy lists for several types.
August, 2001 Added area info for Village of Shrea and Alchemist's House.
Color-coded areas on the navigation bar based on difficulty.
Colors refer to the minimum level for which the area is
safe -- for example, Digga's is a newbie area yet has some midbie and
up monsies. Since it has some good stuff for newbies, though, it is coded
as a green area. If I goofed on any of these, point it out to me
so that I can correct the error.
April 22, 2001 I put up some personal photos under the webmaster link. The old
photo I had up there before was from 7 years ago (the wedding photo).
April 19, 2001 New Bat outerworld maps went up. Amarth this week converted the
southwestern quarter of the world into Kevin Costner's Waterworld.
(Despite the resemblence to a terrible movie, most of us seem to like
the new topography!). Harambikkel did a great job with creating
the new maps. Thank him and shower him with mowgles if you agree.
April 1, 2001 Ok, so I didn't stay on the job long. Actually, I did a lot of
updates in the last year but didn't make note of them here.
Most updates were to areas, not to the eq/weapons.
May 10, 2000 Dryad's back on the job, renovating the site.
More than 100 updates received during my time off, so I'll have
a lot of new material on the site soon. Please continue to
January 20, 2000 Baby Dryad was born. The site's on maternity leave for a while.
January 2, 2000 Updated eq, weapons info.
Worked on the following areas:
Atlantis Smurfville
Bat City Sarkus
Cornfields Rilynt'tar
Mirkhold Newbie Mountain
Chessboard Fraggle Village
December 13, 1999 Added partial info for Frozen Valley.
November 13, 1999 Removed all weights from eq and weapons info. Will be updating
the weight columns to reflect the new tune. Please send in your
current eq/weap weight infos.
Also updated some eq, races info, dark forest, wrebies, H�irikk�,
corn field, smurfville.
October 29, 1999 Area updates: Hairikko, Pixies, Mithil, Whirlpool,
Newbie Forest, Elves, BC Church.
October 23, 1999 Updated EQ, weapons.
Added cash lvl cost info to general page.
Added Ruins area, Land of Ochimo, Village,
Perilous Forest.
September 30, 1999 Updated EQ, Library, Ranger info.
Updated area: perins, corn, hugoville,
diggas, elf village, halls of the dead,
sunderland, temple of twisted prophecies,
ivory tower, king eowyn's.
Added Dark Forest, Paupers area info.
September 26, 1999 Updated Raven.
September 20, 1999 Added Amberley Mansion.
Updated mithil stonedown.
September 11, 1999 Added Mirkhold.
Added Bigeaul.
Added Wrebie.
Info: Updated weapons, eq, races.
Areas: Updated Smurfs, Drawbridge, Sarkus.
August 17, 1999 Updated OBC, Chessboard, Seabird, Whirlpool, Orchard, Ikars,
Mythical Valley, Lands of Lor, Oasis, Drawbridge, Newbie Forest,
Newbie Mines, Malitrius.
Updated guild info: Crimson, Templar, Alchemist.
August 15, 1999 Updated equipment and weapons.
Expanded Lands of Lor area.
August 7, 1999 Updated Kutanakor.
August 6, 1999 Updated some of the walking directions to areas.
Added a few links to related sites.
Removed discussion boards for lack of use.
July 30, 1999 Added farmhouse area.
Added oasis area.
Old Update Information
December 1996
Started web site. Made frames and lynx compatible. Added some
graphics for backgrounds and headers. Began 4 areas: Digga's,
Elf Village, Giantkillers, and Mithil Stonedown. Also began eq
and weapons pages.
January 1997
More graphics, few more areas up. Added quest info.
February 1997
New areas: Chessboard, Newbie Mtn, Revelstone, Skeep Prison.
All shrine locations up, thanks to Pharm. Added simple dirs
to many areas. Race info and a few guild infos.
March 1997
Many new areas. Mostly completed race info, added tons of eq
and weapons info. Most guild infos now up. Began library, will
put in good books by request (you must mail me the book if you'd
like it up).
April 1997
New areas: Ikar, Joseph, Pixies, Kutanakor. Linked area map
(map by Maez) to the index frame. Added/updated tons of eq and
May 1997
Removed the forsale page for lack of use. Continued updates from
info folks send in. Am leaving for a 6 week camping trip, will not
be updating the site until July. Please continue sending in update
information and maps.. I'll work on the site when I return.
late June 1997
Back from awesome camping trip. Lots of updates made from info folks
sent in while I was gone. Whirlpool, Newbie Zoo, Newberry Park,
Goblin Caves put up.
July 1997
Major updates to both eq and weapons lists. Began some new area info
pages, will put them up soon. At the request of several players, I
deleted all quest info (other than a few newbie hints).
August 1997
The saga continues. Site graphics changed somewhat. Lots of new
areas added. Over 100 mail messages received from Bat players,
almost all contributions were good and were put up.
September 1997
Klerris (that's me!) joins the webadmin!
I'm Dryad's 'partner in crime' so you can now also mail me stuff
at (or mudmail if you have to).
So far I've added a new area (Shadowjack's "Banbi-spam" area),
some new lq info and just done some updates on the eq.
More will come!
Sept thru Dec 1997
Continuing site expansion and updates. Removed prices on eq and
weapons. Substituted weights of items.
Jan 1998
Lots of updates to individual area pages. Maps maps and more maps.
Quest hints updated.
Spring 1998
Minor updates to areas and eq/weapons. Nothing big, I've been too
rl busy to keep after the site.
Summer 1998
Changed the server over from Linux to Win NT. Went back to doing the
site sans Klerris. Working on major updates now that I'm back from
vacationing in Germany.
Fall 1998
Continued updates to site content. Began including banner ads
at the top of most pages within the site.
Spring 1999
Purchased a new server in January to better serve site content. Site is
now getting several thousand hits per day. Continued site updates, often
rewarding players for significant contributions.
Summer 1999
Adding new areas and updating old. Getting lots of player contributions to
the site -- thank you to all who help. Handy form at the bottom of most pages
allows you to easily send me updates while you surf on the site.
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"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"