Mithil Stonedown
Area Info
Dirs: Northern Laenor
Coder: Seance
General Descrip: Based on the Covenant series by Stephen Donaldson.
Difficulty: Newbie to mid
Area Size: 22 rooms, not counting pixie area
Last Update: December, 2009
Monsie Info:
Acence 2k none
Barney the Dog 3k none
Etienne 700 none
Frisky goat 600 none
Gaward 3k Russian Autumn Cloak, nasty iron axe
Goats 500 none
Imoiran 3k none
Lena 2k none
Murrin 8k
Odana 7k
One-eyed Jack 5k old hammer
Ornery mule 500
Quirrel 4k nasty spear
Slen 3k none
Starving mule 400
Stefan 12k simple flute, pot of graveling
Stonedowner woman 1.5k none
Terass 4k none
Tomal 3k small statue of horse
Triock 16k Lomillialor Staff
Yerquin 7k nasty spear
Area Map:
Pixie Area
Barney O
| /
Slen,Terass O,M O
| | |
| | |
Acence | Tomal,Imoiran
"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"