
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
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[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
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[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
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[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
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Lands of Lor

Area Info

Dirs: This area is near the rest of nym's areas on the far sw part of the map and is the combination of two prior areas called The tower of the rainbow mages and Castle Tariel.

Coder: Nym (circa 1994), recoded 1998 by Entropy.

General Descrip: This converted area is part of a MEGA-quest of Nyms that will be added some day which includes the areas of Akira, Rechendak, City of Lorenchia and a few others.

Difficulty: newbie (forest) to mid (castle and tower)

Area Size: 62+

Last Update: February, 2010

Monsie Info:

* = aggressive


Black bear                      2k  none
Cute little bunny              500  none
Gray wolf                       2k  none
Large buck                      1k  none
Large owl                      500  none
Mottled doe                     1k  none
Small chipmunk                 500  none
Wise treant                    10k  none

Rainbow Tower:

Apleve                     *   55k  emerald staff, emerald mage robes 
Hell hound                 *    3k  none
Large fire drake           *    2k  none
Pink mage                       5k  small pink dagger, pink mage robes
Purple mage                     5k  purple dagger, purple mage robes
Quasit of Apleve           *    3k  none
Royal blue mage                11k  royal blue staff, royal blue mage robes
Scarlet mage                   10k  scarlet staff, scarlet mage robes

Bullywog Swamp:

Belligerent bullywog warrior *   6k  misc eq
Bright bullywog mage         *  21k  misc eq
Bug-eyed bullywug warrior    *  10k  misc eq
Bullywog scout               *  11k  misc eq
Dangerous bullywog warrior   *   7k  misc eq
Knowledgable bullywog mage   *  30k    
Keen bullywog mage           *  16k  misc eq
Mean bullywug warrior        *   7k  misc eq
Nimble bullywog mage         *  13k  misc eq
Noisy bullywog warrior       *   5k  misc eq
Scarred bullywog warrior     *  27k  misc eq
Scrawny bullywog warrior         8k
Sharp bullywog mage          *  34k  misc eq
Smelly bullywog warrior          7k  misc eq
Tough bullywog warrior       *  10k  misc eq 


Baronn Kian                     7k  guard's guisarme
Bold sentry                     8k
Brave sentry                     k  gleaming halberd, misc eq
Dauntless sentry
Defender of the Keep            8k  powerful battleaxe and misc eq
Duke Silas                      9k  misc eq, casts rain and chaos bolt
Expert warrior                 23k  none
Extremely drunk customer        1k  none
Guard, guarding towers          5k  misc eq, guard's guisarme
Stalwart sentry          
Tired sentry
Totally trashed customer        1k  none
Tower warrior                  20k  two silvery mattocks
Young sentry

Bold sentry                     8k
Drunken customer               400  none
Exhausted sentry                4k
Mind flayer                     2k
Moist bullywog warrior      *   8k  misc eq
Mottled brown doe              400  none
Quasim                          ?k  misc eq

Area Map:


Mapped with lots of help from Quandvill.  Also Jenming.  

                            U                 U
                             \               /
                              |             |             2nd floor:
                              |      U      |             
                              |     / \     |                  D
                CASTLE        |    | t |    |                  |
                SECTION       |    | | |    |                  O-O
                              |    O O O-O  |                  |     
                              |    | | |    |                O-O  
                              |  O-O O O    |               /  | 
                              |     \|/     |              ?   ?
                              |      O      |
                              |      |      |
                             /       |       \
                            U        O        U
                            Hunter's | 
                              Lodge--O                         O O
                                    /                          |\|
                       Outerworld -O-O- woods          woods-O O O   
                                    \                        |/ \
                                   O-O                     O-O   O
                                   |                              \
                                   |                               O
                                   |                              /|
                FOREST             O                             O O
                SECTION            |\
                                   O O
                                Rainbow Tower


		  		  Pink Level:
                                     / \

                                 Purple Level:

                                     \ /

                               Scarlet/Blue Level:

                                     / \
                                    O * O
                                     \ /


				       O O O


In throne room (t), sit on throne to get to chamber behind throne.

In the hunter's lodge (h), walk through the painting.

At * in the mage tower, climb stairs to get to Apleve.  For Apleve, tank leads and enters first.  
Upon entry, tank force follows other party members.  Apleve falls easily but summons minions if you
take too long.

At mound in bullywog swamp, enter mound. 


Sort of a funny note to put this area into historical context.  This was 
posted by Entropy to news.inform in July of 1998.   As of March 2005, it's
been over 3 years since Nym's been in the game.  

A old area has been converted which im sure very few of you remember called

the Lands of Lor. This an area i think hasnt been in game for over 4 years and

was originally one of the many areas done by Nym.   This area is near the rest

of nym's areas on the far sw part of the map and is the combination of two

prior areas called The tower of the rainbow mages and Castle Tariel. This

converted area is part of a MEGA-quest of Nyms that will be added some day

which includes the areas of Akira, Rechendak, City of Lorenchia and a few

others.   Everything in this old area was WAY out of tune and was using old

code.   As with all of the areas I work on, they are never finished.  I

continually fix bugs and typoes and add to an area to make it more enjoyable

for the players.  So dont be afraid to use the typo command for any typoes,

non-serious bugs or suggestions. Good luck and happy hunting.  Oh did i say

this was an area for newbie/lowbies ? 

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"