BatMud Races
Last update November, 2002. Please send updates and rebirth race info.
Racial Maxes:
Race str int dex wis con size skill spell exp rate skillcost spellcost
Barso 51 40 89 30 50 41 74 50 80
Catfolk 55 50 80 50 49 55 85 85 ~98
Cromagnon 67 30 55 30 77 72 88 50 100
Cyclops 100 15 50 15 98 96 78 50 76
Devil 82 75 63 65 61 78 88 92 70
Draconian 63 50 58 52 64 61 82 74 100
Drow 50 65 75 90 43 50 83 97 80
Duck 31 90 45 75 40 35 81 92 ~80
Dwarf 68 45 52 51 72 40 96 70 92
Elf 48 75 65 65 50 53 82 96 93-95
Ent 65 55 5 100 71 90 90 100 ~85
Fraggle 20 80 85 30 55 25 77 85 90+
Giant 92 15 36 15 95 100 74 45 ~79
Gnoll 65 42 58 52 57 61 80 66 110
Gnome 40 54 60 70 42 40 74 83 100
Hobbit 45 68 90 55 65 29 92 70
Human 59 59 59 59 59 59 100 95 ~90
Kobold 40 60 50 45 50 42 70 85 105
Leech 26 60 100 40 30 22
Merfolk 40 70 40 60? 72 45 77 84 95
Minotaur 75 30 54 30 65 80 83 64 75
Ogre 85 35 42 35 65 88 78 68 ~84
Orc 75 30 67 40 83 69 77 60 102
Satyr 30 65 60 65 60 40 74 90 ~80
Sprite 28 65 100 60 29 25 99 95 ~80 130 80
Thrikhren 30 100 28 60 30 35 81 99 82
Tinmen 62 51 40 15 65 60 84 74 91
Troll 80 30 45 35 75 68 77 55 85-92
Valar 80 60 70 80 61 82 90 88 77 -----------> epr is only 7
Vampire 70 80 65 45 62 53 92 100 ~70
Wolfman 64 48 60 48 80 59 85 78 85 90 110
Zombie 42 40 20 85 100 57 70 90 95
Notes: Ducks and Mermen have thirst values of 30, everyone else
has 150, with some infinites like Tinmen, Thrikhren, Devil. All casters
can train cast generic and other select skills to 100%, even though their
normal skill max may be lower.
Contact me if you can add info to the racial maxes table.
Send me tells or e-mail with any corrections you can make.
Tsengi's Race Rates Archive, version 2.1
Race |CG 100% | rate | max | WoR 100% | rate | max % | exprate | consider
duck 2764076 1.20 72 413116 0.80 98 85 368436
gnome 1872571 0.80 568052 1.10 high
kobold 2340762 1.00 413116 0.80 v.high
merfolk 2671892* 1.15* 516450 1.00 high
ent 2949565 1.30 80 361472 0.70 89 80
drow 2106645 0.90 516450 1.00 v.low
human 2340762 1.00 94 516450 1.00 94 100% 307062
sprite 2949565 1.30 99 413116 0.80 95 ~90 399134
thrikh 2949565 1.30 72 309829 0.60 99 80% 399134
satyr 2106645 0.90 74 464754 0.90 91 95 276305
Catfolk | 276305 > 90 | | 100? |
Draco | 260k > 85 | 1334k > 130| 100? |
Elf | 307k > 100 | WoR 516450 | |
> 100|
Giant | 260k > 85 | 1848274>180| |
Gnoll | 337.7k > 110 | 1232k > 120| 105 |
Orc | 276305 > 90 | | 105 |
Zombie | 460k > 150 | | |
Strength: average Dexterity: very good
Intelligence: low Wisdom: poor
Constitution: below average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points very slowly.
They are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They
can see in the dark. They can eat corpses.
Strength: average Dexterity: good
Intelligence: below average Wisdom: below average
Constitution: below average Size: average
Other features:
They have good natural weapons. They regenerate damage slowly. They are
superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They adapt well
to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can be
mastered by them. They can see in the dark.
Strength: above average Dexterity: average
Intelligence: poor Wisdom: poor
Constitution: above average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate magic points very slowly. They are inferior to humans and
therefore need less experience points. They adapt well to the most complicated
Strength: superb Dexterity: below average
Intelligence: very poor Wisdom: very poor
Constitution: good Size: large
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They have good natural weapons. They
regenerate magic points very slowly. They are superior to humans and therefore
need more experience points.
Strength: very good Dexterity: above average
Intelligence: good Wisdom: above average
Constitution: average Size: average
Other features:
They have good natural weapons. They regenerate damage slowly. They regenerate
magic points fast. They are superior to humans and therefore need more
experience points. They adapt well to the most complicated skills. Even the
most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They are allergic to
water. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They can not eat normal
food. They can sometimes escape death. They can detect magic on things. They
have a faster than normal heart beat. They have half dex, con and str if they
become good. This race can only be joined if you have an invitation from a
member of this race.
They know the following spell automatically:
Flame arrow 30%
Strength: above average Dexterity: average
Intelligence: below average Wisdom: average
Constitution: above average Size: average
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They have good natural weapons. They
regenerate damage slowly. They adapt well to the most complicated skills. They
can eat corpses.
Strength: below average Dexterity: good
Intelligence: above average Wisdom: excellent
Constitution: below average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can
be mastered by them. They can see in the dark. They can detect magic on
They know the following spells automatically:
Magic missile 50%
Darkness 60%
Strength: low Dexterity: below average
Intelligence: excellent Wisdom: good
Constitution: low Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. Even the
most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They can fly above
water. They are sensitive to their surroundings. They have a faster than
normal heart beat.
Strength: above average Dexterity: average
Intelligence: below average Wisdom: average
Constitution: good Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate magic points slowly. They are superior to humans and therefore
need more experience points. They are quick learners of skills. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills. They can see in the dark.
Strength: below average Dexterity: above average
Intelligence: good Wisdom: above average
Constitution: below average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can
be mastered by them. They can see in the dark. They are empathic.
They know the following spells automatically:
See invisible 40%
See magic 40%
Strength: above average Dexterity: extremely poor
Intelligence: below average Wisdom: superb
Constitution: average Size: large
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They have good natural weapons. They
regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They are
superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. Arcane powers
are easy for them to master. They adapt well to the most complicated skills.
Even the most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They heal
faster when in water. They regenerate only in lit places. They can suck
nutrition out of the ground.
They know the following spell automatically:
Light 30%
Strength: very poor Dexterity: very good
Intelligence: good Wisdom: poor
Constitution: average Size: small
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They regenerate damage slowly. They are
superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They adapt well
to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can be
mastered by them. They can fly above water. They can see in the dark. They can
eat almost anything. They can eat corpses. They have a faster than normal
heart beat.
They know the following spells automatically:
Speed 20%
Haste 15%
Confusion 30%
Strength: excellent Dexterity: low
Intelligence: very poor Wisdom: very poor
Constitution: excellent Size: large
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They have good natural weapons. They
regenerate magic points very slowly. They are superior to humans and therefore
need more experience points.
Strength: above average Dexterity: average
Intelligence: below average Wisdom: average
Constitution: average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage slowly. They regenerate magic points slowly. They are
inferior to humans and therefore need less experience points. They adapt well
to the most complicated skills. They can see in the dark. They have a faster
than normal heart beat.
Strength: low Dexterity: average
Intelligence: average Wisdom: above average
Constitution: below average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. Even
the most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They can see in the
dark. They have a faster than normal heart beat.
They know the following spell automatically:
Create money 20%
Strength: below average Dexterity: excellent
Intelligence: above average Wisdom: average
Constitution: above average Size: small
Other features:
They regenerate damage slowly. They adapt well to the most complicated skills.
They can see in the dark.
They know the following spell automatically:
Create food 40%
Strength: average Dexterity: average
Intelligence: average Wisdom: average
Constitution: average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They adapt well to the most complicated
skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them.
Strength: low Dexterity: below average
Intelligence: average Wisdom: below average
Constitution: below average Size: average
Other features:
They have good natural weapons. They regenerate damage very slowly. They are
inferior to humans and therefore need less experience points. Even the most
difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They can see in the dark.
They can eat corpses. They have a faster than normal heart beat.
Strength: poor Dexterity: superb
Intelligence: average Wisdom: low
Constitution: poor Size: small
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. Arcane
powers are easy for them to master. They can not eat normal food. They are too
small to use two handed weapons. They have a faster than normal heart beat.
They know the following spells automatically:
Energy drain 20%
Life leech 25%
Strength: low Dexterity: low
Intelligence: average Wisdom: average
Constitution: average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are inferior to humans and therefore need less experience points. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can
be mastered by them. They can fly above water. They heal faster when in water.
Strength: good Dexterity: average
Intelligence: poor Wisdom: poor
Constitution: above average Size: large
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They have good natural weapons. They are
superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They adapt well
to the most complicated skills. They are sensitive to their surroundings.
Strength: very good Dexterity: below average
Intelligence: low Wisdom: low
Constitution: above average Size: large
Other features:
They have good natural weapons. They regenerate magic points very slowly. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills.
Strength: good Dexterity: above average
Intelligence: poor Wisdom: low
Constitution: good Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage slowly. They regenerate magic points very slowly. They
are inferior to humans and therefore need less experience points. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills. They can see in the dark. They have half
dex, con and str in lit outdoor locations. They can eat corpses.
Strength: low Dexterity: very poor
Intelligence: above average Wisdom: good
Constitution: average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. Even the
most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They can fly above
water. They heal faster when in water. They are empathic. They have a faster
than normal heart beat. This race can only be joined by invitation from Alvin.
They know the following spell automatically:
Chill touch 60%
Strength: poor Dexterity: average
Intelligence: above average Wisdom: above average
Constitution: average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They are superior to humans and therefore
need more experience points. Even the most difficult arcane powers can be
mastered by them. They are sensitive to their surroundings. They can detect
magic on things.
They know the following spells automatically:
Create food 20%
Hallucination 50%
Strength: poor Dexterity: superb
Intelligence: above average Wisdom: average
Constitution: poor Size: small
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can
be mastered by them. They can fly above water. They can see in the dark. They
are too small to use two handed weapons. They can detect magic on things. They
can see invisible things. They have a faster than normal heart beat. They glow
in the dark.
Strength: poor Dexterity: poor
Intelligence: superb Wisdom: average
Constitution: poor Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They
are superior to humans and therefore need more experience points. Arcane
powers are easy for them to master. Even the most difficult arcane powers can
be mastered by them. They are allergic to water. They can see in the dark.
They can detect magic on things. They have a faster than normal heart beat.
They know the following spells automatically:
Magic missile 60%
Invisibility 10%
Strength: above average Dexterity: low
Intelligence: above average Wisdom: very poor
Constitution: above average Size: average
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They have good natural weapons. They
regenerate damage very slowly. They are superior to humans and therefore need
more experience points. They adapt well to the most complicated skills. They
are allergic to water. They can see in the dark. They can eat corpses. They
can detect magic on things.
Strength: good Dexterity: below average
Intelligence: poor Wisdom: low
Constitution: good Size: average
Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They have good natural weapons. They
regenerate magic points very slowly. They are superior to humans and therefore
need more experience points. They adapt well to the most complicated skills.
They are allergic to water. They can see in the dark. They have half dex, con
and str in lit outdoor locations. They can sometimes escape death.
Strength: good Dexterity: above average
Intelligence: average Wisdom: good
Constitution: below average Size: large
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They are superior to humans and therefore
need more experience points. They are quick learners of skills. They adapt
well to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can
be mastered by them. They can see in the dark. They have half int, wis, dex,
con and str if they become evil. This race can only be joined by invitation
from Tulkas (contact Conquer first before Tulkas.. he pre-approves valar
Strength: above average Dexterity: above average
Intelligence: good Wisdom: below average
Constitution: above average Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate magic points fast. They are superior to humans and therefore
need more experience points. They adapt well to the most complicated skills.
Even the most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They are
allergic to water. They can see in the dark. They do not regenerate in lit
places. They can not eat normal food. They can sometimes escape death. This
race can only be joined if you have an invitation from a member of this race.
They know the following spells automatically:
Darkness 60%
Energy drain 60%
Strength: above average Dexterity: average
Intelligence: below average Wisdom: below average
Constitution: average Size: average
Other features:
They have good natural weapons. They are superior to humans and therefore need
more experience points. They adapt well to the most complicated skills. They
can see in the dark. They can sometimes escape death.
Strength: below average Dexterity: very poor
Intelligence: low Wisdom: very good
Constitution: superb Size: average
Other features:
They regenerate damage very slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. Arcane
powers are easy for them to master. Even the most difficult arcane powers can
be mastered by them. They can see in the dark. They can detect magic on
things. They can see invisible things.
"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"