Area Info
Dirs from South Cross: from SC 75 south east, 10 south, 15 south east.
General Descrip: Rocking area for partying eq.
Difficulty: All, recommend parties for anything other
than Mole area
Area Size:
Last Update: April 28, 2005
Monsie Info:
* = aggressive, a = areas, x = bsenses to 2nd row, b = banishes
d = dests eq
Alena d 81k leather glove, thin black dagger
(search tapestry, go s to maze (n,w) room)
Aleval bx 170k G'kaden, Shroud of darkness, The Drow Lord's Axe
Beautiful drow guard 28k 2 randoms
Beatiful drow warrior 28k 2 randoms
Dark robed evil priest 6k 2 randoms
Dinos * 27k 2 randoms
Ditianna ?k red glove, webbed chain
Divolg, high bailiff 10k
Small Drider 1-2k
Drider 3-4k
GIANT Drider 4-6k
Drow captain 15k 2 randoms
Drow guarding the keep 15k
Drow ranger 9k 2 randoms
Drow warrior 12k 2 randoms
Drow whore 2k none
Engar, Drow captain 32k 2 randoms
Gicona 19k none
Guard resting from practice 18k
Huge female firedrake a 8k
Huge hell hound * 16k none
Huge female vorth 1-2k
Huge vorth 1-2k
Huge vorth has gone nuts 2k
Hymmor * 25k 2 random
Ianna 35k 2 randoms
Lamaa 14k
Large wingless firedrake 17k
Moles 1k
Muscular drow warrior 46k
Nirep 7k
Prinell 26k Ta'kaden, highsteel elfin chain mail
Skinny drow warrior 17k
Sleeping evil priest 16k 2 randoms
Small lava child * 10k none
Ugliest drow guard b 32k 2 randoms
Vigil sentry b 45k 2 randoms
Weaponmaster 18k
Area Map:
\ /
/ \ O
Enter / \ /
O-----O To Citdel O O O
| down / \ /
| O----O Skeleton O O
| | | |
| | O Psi Guard and Feral Man O O
__|__|__|__ \ /
| | O O O
| Maze | | down \ /
|_________| | O-O-O
| | up |
| Cave out
O Entrance
Map sent in by Zoso:
|...ppppppppppprrppppppppppp....ppp.p1..| 1. Noquar
|...pppppp2pppprpppppppppppp....pp..pp..| 2. Despana
|...pppppppppprp.ppppppppppp....ppp.pp..| 3. Eisevis
|...pppppppr.rpp.pppppppppppppAppp.ppp..| 4. Aleval
|...ppp.plll.rpp3.ppppppppppppsppppppp..| 5. Male warrior
|...4ppppplrrrppppppppppppppppsppppppp..| 6. Fem warrior
|...pppppppppppppppppppppp....sppppppp..| 7. Tomtor
|...pp....pppppppppppppp......s....ppp..| 8. Kilsak
|...ppppppp.pppp..pppssssssssssssss5p...| E= Exit
|...pppssssssssssssssppppppppppppppppp..| A= Drow city
To enter where the bones are, 'enter exit'.
Mole Cave:
| | | |
| | | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
O entrance O
| |
| O
| |
Homing Sequences:
Submitted by Whyi.
There are 10 maze rooms in Perin's maze, and four exits.
One of the 'exits' is the entrance- one of the obvious exits here is 'arch'.
One of the 'exits' is called 'The end of the plains', and there is
nothing that I know of there, except a room of explore.
One has exit has two mobs in it, one called 'a feral man'.
The last exit is the castle.
command perinsarch 3 w;4 nw;n;ne;n;ne;n
command perinsferal 3 w;4 nw;n;ne;n;ne;sw
command perinsend 3 w;4 nw;n;ne;n;se
command perinsentrance 3 w;4 nw;n;ne;n;2 ne;n
These are 'homing sequences'. If you're anywhere in the 10 rooms of
Perin's maze, and you follow the 'perinsarch' path, you will end up
out of the maze ready to leave to the outerworld.
So-and-so walks along the outerworld to the ?, then types 'arch' to go
into the area, 'n' to enter the maze, then 'perinsferal', and he pops
out of the maze at the feral man.
If so-and-so entered the maze, wandered around for a while, gotten
lost, looked at Dryad's web page in desperation, added the
'perinsferal' command-alias, and then typed 'perinsferal', he would
still pop out of the maze at the feral man.
Rojenku tells you 'Hey, I found a room not in your guide in Perin's area.
From the maze, 3 w,4 nw,n,ne,n,se dead end explore room. There is a trapdoor
going down. 'open trapdoor' takes you into a laboratory with a sinister demon
that isn't aggro at first but will aggro soon and one shotted me.
So he's pretty dangerous.'