
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
[Zoy's Inn]
[Zonni Swamps]

[Site History]
[Other Bat Sites]


Area Info

General Descrip: Monsie worths in the Outerworld. A special thanks to Sprite, Being, and Tew for sending in long lists of kills.

Last Update: June, 2010

Monsie Info:

Badlands (x)

Grown-up fox                          2k
Jumpy rabbit                         100
Small bat flying in circles          500
Young, nimble fox                    400

Beach (b)

Cute small impala                     1k  
Dark ribbon snake                     2k
Frightful giant scorpion        *    12k
Motley scarlet snake                  3k
Old, furry waterbuck                3-9k 
Ordinary, disgusting scorpion         1k
Streamlined storm petrel             700
Tall and proud gazelle                7k
White, long-winged seagull            1k

Desert (d)

Brown and spiky porcupine             6k
Cheetah lying under shadows          24k
Colourful chameleon                  500
Common garter snake                   2k
Dark ribbon snake                    
Deep gray copperhead snake           10k
Flecked spitting cobra               20k 
Frightful giant scorpion             10k
Huge anaconda snake             *    22k
Komodo dragon                   *    13k
Large and old porcupine               5k
Large black worker ant               100
Light-gray milk snake 
Motley scarlet snake
Nasty giant termite                   1k
Ordinary, disgusting scorpion         1k
Slender, red-hued drake              50k
Small and hideous basilisk           20k   
Small brown snake                    500
Small gecko                          250
Small redbellied snake               400
Small smooth earth snake              1k   poisons/hallucinates
Strong and robust hyena         *    36k
Vicious soldier ant                  300

Field (y)

Big striped skunk                     4k
Blurred warthog dashing around        7k
Full-grown bull
Full-grown sheep
Green mantis                          6k
Grumpy old ram                        3k
Hideous terrifying basilisk     *     ?k
Jumpy rabbit                         150
Large black worker ant               150
Large hare with tangled fur          200 
Nasty giant termite                  600
Pacific hereford cow
Peculiar looking pig (aardvark)       ?k
Restful black angus cow
Slender sparrowhawk                  300
Small fluffy lamb                    600
Small hideous basilisk                ?k
Small mole                           100
Small pig (possu)                    100
Sow relaxing contently 
Spiky hedgehog                        1k
Tiny half-blind mole                 150
Tiny sparrow                         100
Ugly magpie                          100
Vicious soldier ant                  200
Wild chianina cow                     5k
Young but stubborn bull

Forest (f) - light forest

Adult, foolhardy raccoon             800
Big black wolf with red eyes         28k
Big striped skunk                     5k
Black and yellow striped honeybee     1k
Blurred warthog dashing around        7k
Brown and spiky porcupine           2-4k
Bull elk grazing here                63k
Bunny, cute and fluffy               100
Common garter snake                   1k
Cute and furry squirrel              500
Cute, small impala                    2k
Dark ribbon snake                     2k
Deep gray copperhead snake            7k
Elk calf calling for its mamma       400
Enormous grizzly bear                 ?k
Ferocious griffin                    71k
Fieldmouse                            ?k
Flecked spitting cobra          *     ?k
Full-grown adult badger
Full-grown, bull-headed bull         50k
Fully-grown dominant wolf       *     ?k
Furiously dashing mole               400
Green mantis praying                2-5k
Grumpy old ram                        2k
Hungry-looking adult eagle-owl        4k
Huge anaconda snake                  30k  I
nfant badger                        200
Jumpy rabbit                         150
Large black worker ant               100
Large hare with tangled fur          300
Large kodiak bear                    60k
Large red drake                 *     ?k
Large striped wildcat                 5k
Large white unicorn                  13k
Light-gray milk snake                 5k
Mottled giant brown owl               7k
Nasty giant termite             *    500
Nasty rat, ugly as hell              300
Pathetically helpless shrew           50
Peculiar looking pig (aardvark)       2k
Really small shrew                   100
Slender, red-hued drake               ?k
Slender sparrowhawk                  300
Slimy and ugly toad                  800
Small and cute chipmunk              200 
Small and cute owl                   500
Small black unicorn             *     ?k
Small brown snake                    500
Small mole                           500
Small smooth earth snake             700 
Small white unicorn                8-15k
Smallish housecat gone feral          1k
Sow relaxing contently                1k
Spiky hedgehog                        1k
Tiny sparrow                          70
Ugly magpie                          100
Vicious soldier ant                  100
Wild chianina cow                     4k
Wiry jackal                         2-5k
Young bear cub                        7k
Young, curious raccoon               800
Young, frightened wolf               800

Forest (F) - deep forest

Adult, foolhardy raccoon              1k
Bull elk grazing here
Cute and furry squirrel
Dark ribbon snake                p    3k 
Deep gray copperhead snake            9k
Full-grown ferocious badger           2k
Full-grown, sleek cougar
Fully-grown dominant wolf
Hungry-looking adult eagle-owl        8k
Large black worker ant               200
Long and slender stoat
Misguiding fireball (will'o'wisp)     ?k
Really small shrew                   200
Sloth hangs here lazily
Small and cute chipmunk              200
Small redbellied snake               400
Young and nervous cougar              3k
Young, curious raccoon               300
Young, frightened wolf               900

Highlands (i)  

Beautiful mink with sleek fur         4k
Big goat                              5k
Bunny, cute and fluffy               100
Elder chimera                         ?k
Fluffy lemming                       500
Full-grown sheep                      1k
Grown-up fox                          5k
Grumpy old ram                        3k
Infant badger                        350
Large, brown-feathered eagle          8k
Majestic golden eagle                 ?k
Old and wise badger          *        3k
Small, cute lemming                  200
Small, furry fitchet                 700
Trembly old buck                      2k
Young, frightened wolf               800
Young goat is fearful                300
Young, nimble fox                    800

Hills (h)

Adult chimera                         ?k  
Baby chimera                         24k
Elk calf                             600
Ferocious wolverine                  15k
Fluffy lemming                       500
Fully-grown dominant wolf             3k
Grown-up fox                          2k
Large, brown-feathered eagle
Large hare                           300
Lonely wolf                           3k
Majestic golden eagle
Nasty rat, ugly as hell              300
Old and wise badger                 
Sabretooth cub                     7-18k
Full-grown, sleek cougar             48k
Slender pine marten                  500
Small and hideous basilisk           20k   (beware the touch..)
Small, brown fieldmouse
Small fluffy lamb
Trembly old buck                     500
Young, frightened wolf                1k
Young goat                           400
Young and nervous cougar              2k
Young, nimble fox                    600

Jungle (j)

Adult baboon                         22k
Ancient enormous alligator           75k  
Colourful chameleon                  700
Common garter snake                  
Deep gray copperhead snake        *   9k
Ferocious giant vampire bat       *   ?k
Full-grown alligator              *  25k
Giant bat, silent hunter             35k
Hide-armoured cavalier                --   beastmaster quest 
Huge anaconda                        20k
HUGE black panther                *  83k
Huge, sturdy gorilla                  ?k
Huge Venus flytrap                *  10k
Humongous flesh-eating plant      *  32k
Komodo dragon                        22k
Large tortoise                        5k
Large yellow leopard              *  67k
Light-gray milk snake             *   4k
Lovely doe-eyed brown mare            --   beastmaster quest
Massive, leathery elephant            ?k
Oddly striped zebra                   5k
Sky-high adult giraffe                3k
Sloth hangs here lazily              12k
Small bat flying in circles          600
Small brown snake                    400
Small gecko                          150
Small infant alligator                6k
Small smooth earth snake              2k
Sneaking tiger                    *   ?k   tracks, ambushes, moves fast
Tall-necked infant giraffe            2k
Very dexterous chimpanzee            19k
Weird, red-and-green plant            2k
Wiry jackal                           1k

Lake (l)

Ferocious giant vampire bat      *    ?k
Large tortoise                        4k
Majestetic albatross                  5k
Small bat flying                     500
Small vampire bat                     2k
Streamlined storm petrel             900

Plains (p)

Big goat with nasty horns             7k
Brown and spiky porcupine             2k
Bunny, cute and fluffy                80
Cheetah lying under shadows          40k
Cute, small impala                    1k
Fat buzzing bumblebee                100
Giant tortoise                       17k
Green mantis is praying               7k
Grumpy old ram                        3k
Jumpy rabbit                         150
Large hare with tangled fur          200
Large tortoise                        5k
Massive rhinoceros
Massive leathery elephant
Massive, terrifying great lion
Nasty rat, ugly as hell              300
Oddly striped zebra                   4k
Pacific hereford cow                  1k
Pathetically helpless shrew          100
Really small shrew                   200
Sky-high adult giraffe                3k
Slender sparrowhawk                  300
Small fluffy lamb
Sneaking tiger                      129k 
Spiky hedgehog                        2k
Strong and robust hyena              46k 
Tall and proud gazelle                3k
Tall-necked infant giraffe           600
Trembly old buck                      3k
Ugly magpie                          150
Young goat is fearful
Young, frightful lion                30k
Wild chianina cow                     3k
Wiry jackal                           5k

Rainforest ()

Full-grown alligator                 30k
Giant bat, silent hunter             37k
Sky-high adult giraffe                6k
Sloth hangs here lazily               4k
Small bat, flying in circles         600
Small infant alligator                8k

River (r) - shallow river

Bogy looking for mushrooms        
Giant tortoise 
Jumpy frog                           400
Large tortoise                        5k
Majestetic albatross 
Rather large newt
Slimy and ugly toad                  600 
Small and ugly bogling            *        vanishes
Stately king crab                     7k
Streamlined storm petrel              2k
Strong rock crab                     800
White, long-winged seagull            3k

River (R) - deep river

Cute baby seal                       900
Giant tortoise                        5k
Odd, blue-spotted ray                 6k
Stubby seal                           4k
Strong rock crab                     800
Wriggling moray eel                  20k


Adult, foolhardy raccoon              1k
Bunny, cute and fluffy               100
Jumpy rabbit                         200
Large hare with tangled fur          300
Pathetically helpless shrew          100
Really small shrew                   200
Slender sparrowhawk                  300
Small and cute chipmunk              150
Small and ugly bogling
Small, brown fieldmouse              100
Ugly magpie                          150
Young, curious raccoon               300

Ruins (#)

Baby chimera                         30k
Bunny, cute and fluffy               100
Frightful giant scorpion             10k
Giant bat                             ?k
Infant badger                        350
Large hare with tangled fur          300
Ordinary, disgusting scorpion         2k
Slender drake                        18k
Small and hideous basilisk            ?k          
Small bat, flying                    600
Young, nimble fox                    700

Sea (~)

Cute baby seal                        ?k
Lion's mane jellyfish            p   50k    
Powerful terrifying tiger shark  *   20k
Big, light green seamonster          35k
Enormously lg great white shark  *    ?k
Flat, round ray                      19k
Gigantic whale shark                  ?k 
Impossibly LARGE blue whale           ?k
Strong and fast grey dolphin         80k
Stubby seal                           ?k
Very streamlined blue shark          15k 
Wriggling electric eel               10k
Wriggling moray eel                  15k
Young but quite massive squid        56k 

Shallows (S)

Enormous, ominous black manta ray    87k
Enormously lg great white shark    *  ?k
Flat, round ray                      17k
Large tortoise                        4k
Majestetic albatross                  3k
Odd, blue-spotted ray                 8k   poisons
Powerful, terrifying tiger shark   * 26k
Small hermit crab                    250
Stately king crab                     6k
Streamlined storm petrel              1k
Strong rock crab                     800
Very streamlined blue shark        * 23k
White, long-winged seagull            2k

Shore (z)

Bunny, cute and fluffy               100
Jumpy rabbit                         200
Large hare with tangled fur          300
Small hermit crab                    150
Stately king crab                     9k
Streamlined storm petrel              1k
Strong rock crab                     400
White, long-winged seagull            1k

Swamp (s)

Ancient, enormous alligator
Big lump of mud with gleaming eyes    ?k
Blurred warthog                       4k
Bogy is looking for mushrooms         ?k    vanishes
Bull elk grazing here
Dim sphere of light (will'o'wisp)     6k
Elk calf                              1k
Enormous alligator           *        ?k
Flaming sphere in midair     *       14k
Flecked spitting cobra               20k
Full-grown alligator
Full-grown swampmonster      *  30-100k+    aka huge hill of mud with gleaming eyes
Humongous flesh-eating plant         37k
Jumpy frog                           400
Motley scarlet snake                  3k    poisons
Old and experienced crane             9k
Rather large newt                    10k 
Really small shrew                   200
Slaads                       *      ~50k    turbo-tough monsies
Small and ugly bogling                ?k    vanishes
Slimy and ugly toad                  800
Small brown snake                    200 
Small infant alligator             5-13k
Small pig, aka possu 
Small redbellied snake               400
Small smooth earth snake             700
Slender drake                *        ?k
Tall crane                            8k
Weird, red-and-green plant            1k
Young long-legged crane               5k
Young swampmonster           *       44k

Tundra (t)   walking costs 7 ep/room

Adult, foolhardy raccoon              1k
Adult reindeer with nasty horns       8k
Cute baby seal                       500
Fluffy lemming, standing tall        400
Fully-grown dominant wolf         *   4k
Large kodiak bear                 *  80k
Large polar bear                    100k
Lean, white-scaled drake             56k
Lively little reindeer                1k
Lonely wolf                           2k
Majestic golden eagle                16k
Robust walrus                        50k
Slender fairy penguin                 2k 
Stubby seal                           5k
Sturdy but short humboldt penguin     4k
Young, curious raccoon               800
Young, nimble fox                    300

Valley (v)

Adult, foolhardy raccoon              1k
Blurred warthog                       7k
Brown and spiky porcupine             1k
Buffalo                              23k
Bull elk 
Cow elk 
Cute, small impala                    1k  
Elk calf                              1k
Full-grown buffalo                15-20k
Green mantis praying                  6k
Grown-up fox                          3k
Massive, terrifying lion         *    ?k
Nasty rat, ugly as hell              300
Old furry waterbuck
Pathetically helpless shrew          100
Really small shrew                   200
Small and cute chipmunk              150
Small pig, also known as a possu     200
Slender sparrowhawk                  250
Small, brown fieldmouse
Sow relaxing                          1k
Spiky hedgehog                        1k
Tall and proud gazelle                3k
Tiny sparrow                          90
Ugly magpie                          150
Young, curious raccoon               300
Young, frightful lion                 ?k
Young, insecure buffalo              250
Young, nimble fox                    400


Terrain Types:

The complete list of terrain types:

code    terrain type     color code        code    terrain type     color code

|     northsouthroad    light black        j             jungle          green
#              ruins    light black        =             bridge    light black
%    speciallocation    light white        r              river           blue
w          waterfall     light cyan        S            shallow           cyan
z              shore   light yellow        V            volcano            red
y              field         yellow        s              swamp      light red
p              plain    light green        t             tundra          white
b              beach         yellow        ~                sea           blue
d             desert         yellow        c               city    light black
R          deepriver           blue        +           crossing    light black
\           nwseroad    light black        i          highlands        magenta
h              hills        magenta        ^           mountain  light magenta
!               peak          white        v             valley    light green
l               lake           blue        /           swneroad    light black
f             forest    light green        ?     sceniclocation    light white
C         playercity    light black        -       eastwestroad    light black
F         deepforest          green        x           badlands      light red

Screwdriver 'drake encircled by shadows for 36k 60k and 80k...'
Xortoth 'anacondas were usually about 40k and komodo dragons around 20k 
Screwdriver 'fights like 80k always though'
Xortoth 'golden eagles are about 20k to'
Xortoth 'killed a hyena with delveling and it was 15k..but they hit pretty 
hard, so tune might've been out'

Walking cost per room:

Terrain          ep/room

Badlands (x)        3
Field    (y)        1
Highland (i)        2
Hills    (h)        1
Jungle   (j)        5  
Lake     (l)        6
Plains   (p)        1
River    (r)        2
Ruins    (#)        3  
Sea      (~)       10  
Swamp    (s)        4
Tundra   (t)        7

z=1 ep a room 
S=1ep a room 
f=1ep a room 
F=2 ep a room'

Typo list:

Sow relaxing contently  (contentedly)
a full-grown ferocious adult badger    (fully.. to be like other descrips)

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"