Potion List (by Dryad)
Here's my combo list for alchemist potions. Every alchemist has a
unique list of components for potions, so use this as an example only.
There are a total of 197 potions; each alchemist can produce the same
set of 197 potions through a different combination of components.
Potion name Metal Organ Plant
acid_arrow pyrite lung boneset
acid_wind mithril stomach sweet_flag
all-seeing_eye adamantium foot mugwort
anti_magic_field potassium bladder mistletoe
appraise starmetal paw cabbage
aura_detection gold leg onion
aura_of_hate gold beak cotton
banish uranium gill water_lily
baptize lead leg mushroom
bash gold arm mugwort
battlecry pyrite bladder wormwood
blacksmithing copper snout mugwort
blast_lightning iridium eye mugwort
bless indium bladder mugwort
bless_armament mithril antenna thistle
blessing_of_tarmalen tin liver boneset
blurred_image titanium stomach water_lily
burial_ceremony brass ear mugwort
call_pigeon silver lung cotton
camouflage darksteel beak holly
camping potassium beak barberry
cardiac_stimulation indium horn soapwort
cash_flow platinum paw cauliflower
ceremony platinum heart burdock
chaos_bolt tin ear bloodroot
chill_touch zhentorium liver mistletoe
clairvoyance hematite arm onion
cold_tolerance nullium gill tomato
compare gold arm lobelia
consider dukonium leg tomato
corrosion_shield starmetal tendril thistle
create_air_armour indium eye borage
create_food dukonium antenna sweet_flag
credit_check mithril spleen onion
cure_critical_wounds illumium tendril holly
cure_player illumium nose tomato
curse_of_tarmalen chromium leg holly
damn_armament darksteel tendril burdock
dark_baptism nullium foot soapwort
darkfire palladium tendril burdock
darkness electrum paw cotton
deaths_door zhentorium arm mystic_carrot
desecrate_ground potassium bladder lobelia
destructive_rage cobalt eye bloodroot
detect_alignment chromium spleen mandrake
detect_poison titanium tail cotton
detect_race duraluminium lung jaslah
dimension_door bronze kidney tomato
dispel_magical_protection kryptonite bladder vine
displacement highsteel tail mugwort
disruption potassium ear cauliflower
drying_wind graphite liver jimsonweed
earth_skin batium eye vine
energy_channeling tin tendril wormwood
ether_boundary bronze tendril cotton
exchange_money tormium nose water_lily
feather_weight illumium eye water_lily
field_of_fear darksteel wing wormwood
field_of_light cesium nose cotton
fire_blast hematite kidney mugwort
fire_building electrum stomach bloodroot
fire_walking nullium foot wolfbane
firebolt mithril arm wormwood
first_aid gold nose mandrake
flame_arrow kryptonite heart soapwort
flaming_ice highsteel spleen jaslah
flex_shield tin bladder onion
flip electrum paw mugwort
floating indium wing onion
floating_disc cobalt lung onion
floating_letters tungsten horn wormwood
force_absorption molybdenum heart cotton
force_dome indium arm wolfbane
force_shield pewter foot holly
fresh_pants indium antenna wolfbane
frost_insulation bronze brain cabbage
glance silver bladder thistle
go osmium spleen burdock
good_berry potassium bladder soapwort
guardian_angel starmetal nose water_lily
haste osmium ear mystic_carrot
heal_self electrum nose elder
hear_noises zinc beak holly
heat_reduction adamantium kidney cabbage
heavy_weight cobalt tendril wolfbane
hiding platinum antenna onion
holy_way zinc heart thistle
identify hematite kidney tomato
indoors_disguise potassium liver sweet_flag
inform durandium gill burdock
infravision darksteel horn soapwort
invisibility silver heart wormwood
iron_will aluminium arm jimsonweed
kata platinum arm elder
leather_craft illumium gill spinach
lessen_poison nullium tail barberry
levin_bolt zhentorium liver lobelia
life_link zhentorium stomach mandrake
light cesium paw lobelia
lightning_bolt zhentorium paw spinach
locate_water iridium stomach mushroom
location_memory iron heart thistle
lumberjacking aluminium arm cabbage
magic_dispersion dukonium eye garlic
magic_missile steel tendril jaslah
mana_shield indium tendril vine
meditation dukonium heart jimsonweed
mental_glance titanium brain vine
mental_watch iron wing vine
mind_blast durandium eye spinach
mind_store indium kidney wormwood
mirror_image tadmium spleen mystic_carrot
mobile_cannon uranium gill onion
moon_sense hematite eye boneset
natural_renewal electrum arm borage
neutralize_field iron bladder mandrake
outdoors_disguise pyrite gill onion
pain_threshold lead foot vine
phaze_shift vanadium antenna mystic_carrot
plastic_surgery brass eye elder
poison_blast highsteel spleen borage
possessions palladium ear mandrake
preserve_corpse lead bladder mistletoe
protect_armour brass ear elder
protect_item copper horn mystic_carrot
protect_weapon chromium stomach mugwort
protection_from_evil copper liver onion
protection_from_good nullium snout jimsonweed
psi_blast osmium stomach mushroom
psibolt nullium snout water_lily
psionic_shield osmium snout sweet_flag
psychic_sanctuary highsteel kidney jaslah
quicksilver iridium kidney tomato
rain zinc lung jimsonweed
regeneration cesium snout mistletoe
remote_banking rhodium heart garlic
remove_scar adamantium tendril mystic_carrot
repair_item uranium arm thistle
replenish_energy potassium snout jimsonweed
resist_disintegrate indium liver soapwort
resist_dispel tormium leg vine
resist_entropy darksteel bladder spinach
resist_gaseous_form nickel brain jimsonweed
restore iridium foot thistle
satiate_person palladium ear sweet_flag
scouting iron horn sweet_flag
sculpture nullium eye jimsonweed
see_invisible indium leg onion
see_magic hematite snout mandrake
see_the_light steel brain mugwort
sewing zinc gill jaslah
More (80%) [qpbns?]
sex_change durandium arm garlic
shapechange mithril ear mandrake
shelter illumium heart mushroom
shield_of_faith rhodium heart water_lily
shocking_grasp nullium spleen elder
skinning palladium wing holly
slip darksteel wing lobelia
sneak platinum liver mushroom
soul_hold uranium arm barberry
soul_shield lead eye onion
stargazing indium bladder cabbage
suffocation chromium arm wolfbane
summon_lesser_spores iridium horn barberry
teleport_with_error dukonium leg barberry
teleport_without_error electrum foot tomato
tempt batium gill wormwood
terror zinc brain mandrake
there_not_there palladium antenna jimsonweed
thorn_spray pewter horn mandrake
torch_creation hematite spleen mystic_carrot
toxic_dilution titanium heart mandrake
toxic_immunity nullium bladder vine
track nullium bladder wolfbane
transmute_self silicon horn wolfbane
uncontrollable_hideous_laughter titanium beak sweet_flag
unpain tungsten bladder garlic
unstable_mutation bronze stomach lobelia
unstun kryptonite lung wormwood
vacuumbolt silver tail holly
venom_strike hematite tail thistle
ventriloquism potassium brain cauliflower
vine_mantle silicon bladder jimsonweed
water_walking magnesium nose burdock
wilderness_location palladium kidney onion
wipe_tracks palladium kidney borage
wizard_eye osmium horn barberry
woodland_stealth pyrite tail jimsonweed
"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"