
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
[Zoy's Inn]
[Zonni Swamps]

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Good Religious Background Info

File updated in April, 2006.

Name: Good Religious background
Command: good_religious
Creators: Alaron, Ikar and Shardik
Your level: 10
Maximum level: 10

Starting at a young age, one is taught the different paths in life that
can be chosen. At some point, a choice is made, for better or for worse.
Those that choose to follow the path of light will grow in the powers
of healing and of helping others.

Abilities gained when joining:
Gains skill Ceremony to 5%
Gains spell Cure light wounds to 10%

Abilities and requirements at each level:
Level 1:
   Gains skill Bless to 5%
   Gains spell Cure light wounds to 15%
   Gains skill Cast generic to 5%
   Gains skill Attack to 5%
   Gains skill Essence eye to 5%
   Gains spell Cure serious wounds to 5%

Level 2:
   Gains skill Ceremony to 10%
   Gains skill Mana control to 5%
   Gains spell Cure light wounds to 20%
   Gains skill Attack to 10%
   Gains skill Bless to 10%

Level 3:
   Gains skill Cast generic to 10%
   Gains spell Cure serious wounds to 15%
   Gains skill Bless to 15%

Level 4:
   Gains spell Cure critical wounds to 5%
   Gains skill Essence eye to 10%

Level 5:
   Gains spell Create food to 10%
   Gains skill Bludgeons to 10%

Level 6:
   Gains spell Cure light wounds to 25%
  Gains skill Attack to 15%

Level 7:
   Gains skill Ceremony to 15%
   Gains skill Mana control to 15%

Level 8:
   Gains spell Cure critical wounds to 10%
   Gains spell Cure serious wounds to 20%
   Gains spell Create food to 30%

Level 9:
   Gains skill Cast generic to 15%

Level 10:
   Gains skill Attack to 25%
   Gains skill Bludgeons to 20%
   Gains spell Cure light wounds to 30%
   Gains skill Bless to 20%
   Gains skill Ceremony to 20%
   Gains spell Cure critical wounds to 15%
   Gains skill Essence eye to 20%

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"