
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
[Zoy's Inn]
[Zonni Swamps]

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Mercenary Fighters Guild Info

Information collected by Ewige, a Catfolk of lvl 39.  
Last updated 8-15-97.

The mercenary fighter is one of the oldest trades. They fight for profit and
glory, with only a loose leadership to guide them. The 'Dog Brothers' as it
was originally formed, was a collection of such fighters who banded together
for increased profit and booty. Through the years, they have become stronger,
teaching each other the tricks to overcome their enemies. 

Dog Fighters strive to win with almost any means nescecary. They fight for
money, loot, or whatever pays. They also fight for their reputation. They seek
to survive and prosper, not throw their life away for some higher cause. As a
result, they do not have the discipline military organizations may have, nor
the responsibility some religious organizations demand.

Joining requirements:
 Background must be civilized (passed)
Abilities gained when joining:
 The Collar of the Dog
 Receive the spririt of the Dog Fighting Master.
 May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 17%
 May train skill Consider to 21%
 May train skill Tinning to 17%
 May train skill Attack to 21%
 May train skill Bludgeons to 17%
 May train skill Kick to 17%

Abilities and requirements at each level:
 Level 2:
   Trained skill Attack to at least 19% (passed)
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 22%
   May train skill Consider to 36%
   May train skill Tinning to 34%
   May train skill Attack to 28%
   May train skill Bludgeons to 31%
   May train skill Kick to 34%
 Level 3:
   Trained skill Attack to at least 21% (passed)
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 28%
   May train skill Consider to 51%
You are prepared to do the skill.
You don't quite feel like camping at the moment.
   May train skill Tinning to 51%
   May train skill Swim to 17%
   May train skill Attack to 34%
   May train skill Bludgeons to 45%
   May train skill Kick to 51%
   May train skill Brawling to 17%
   May train skill Short blades to 17%
 Level 4:
   Trained skill Attack to at least 22% (passed)
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 34%
   May train skill Consider to 67%
   May train skill Tinning to 68%
   May train skill Swim to 30%
   May train skill Compare to 17%
   May train skill Fresh pants to 17%
   May train skill Attack to 41%
   May train skill Bludgeons to 60%
   May train skill Kick to 68%
   May train skill Brawling to 30%
   May train skill Short blades to 26%
 Level 5:
   Trained skill Attack to at least 25% (passed)
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 42%
   May train skill Consider to 85%
   May train skill Tinning to 85%
   May train skill Swim to 44%
   May train skill Compare to 25%
   May train skill Fresh pants to 27%
   May train skill Appraise to 17%
   May train skill Camping to 17%
   May train skill First aid to 17%
   May train skill Force lock to 17%
   May train skill Attack to 48%
   May train skill Bludgeons to 76%
   May train skill Kick to 85%
   May train skill Brawling to 44%
   May train skill Short blades to 35%
   May train skill Axes to 17%
 Level 6:
   Trained skill Camping to at least 16% (passed)
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 16% (passed)
   Trained skill Attack to at least 28% (passed)
   May train skill Swim to 57%
   May train skill Compare to 34%
   May train skill Fresh pants to 37%
   May train skill Appraise to 30%
   May train skill Camping to 21%
   May train skill First aid to 24%
   May train skill Force lock to 21%
   May train skill Attack to 55%
   May train skill Brawling to 57%
   May train skill Short blades to 45%
   May train skill Axes to 22%
 Level 7:
   Trained skill Camping to at least 17% (passed)
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 17% (passed)
   Trained skill Attack to at least 29% (passed)
   May train skill Swim to 71%
   May train skill Compare to 42%
   May train skill Fresh pants to 47%
   May train skill Appraise to 44%
   May train skill Camping to 25%
   May train skill First aid to 32%
   May train skill Force lock to 25%
   May train skill Attack to 62%
   May train skill Brawling to 71%
   May train skill Short blades to 54%
   May train skill Axes to 27%
   May train skill Long blades to 17%
   May train skill Pummel to 25%
 Level 8:
   Trained skill Camping to at least 17% (passed)
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 17% (passed)
   Trained skill Attack to at least 32% (passed)
   May train skill Swim to 85%
   May train skill Compare to 51%
   May train skill Fresh pants to 59%
   May train skill Appraise to 57%
   May train skill Camping to 29%
   May train skill First aid to 39%
   May train skill Force lock to 29%
   May train skill Attack to 68%
   May train skill Brawling to 85%
   May train skill Short blades to 63%
   May train skill Axes to 32%
   May train skill Long blades to 22%
   May train skill Pummel to 37%
   May train skill Parry to 12%
 Level 9:
   Trained skill Camping to at least 19% (passed)
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 19% (passed)
   Trained skill Attack to at least 34% (passed)
   May train skill Compare to 59%
   May train skill Appraise to 71%
   May train skill Camping to 34%
   May train skill First aid to 47%
   May train skill Force lock to 34%
   May train skill Attack to 75%
   May train skill Short blades to 73%
   May train skill Axes to 37%
   May train skill Long blades to 27%
   May train skill Pummel to 49%
   May train skill Parry to 15%
 Level 10:
   Trained skill Camping to at least 21% (passed)
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 21% (passed)
   Trained skill Attack to at least 36% (passed)
   May train skill Compare to 68%
   May train skill Appraise to 85%
   May train skill Camping to 38%
   May train skill First aid to 55%
   May train skill Force lock to 38%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 55%
   May train skill Leather craft to 17%
   May train skill Switch weapon to 17%
   May train skill Attack to 85%
   May train skill Short blades to 85%
   May train skill Axes to 42%
   May train skill Long blades to 32%
   May train skill Pummel to 61%
   May train skill Parry to 17%
   May train skill Dodge to 8%
 Level 11:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 22% (passed)
   May train skill Compare to 76%
   May train skill Force lock to 42%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 62%
   May train skill Leather craft to 25%
   May train skill Switch weapon to 24%
   May train skill Axes to 47%
   May train skill Long blades to 37%
   May train skill Pummel to 73%
   May train skill Parry to 20%
   May train skill Dodge to 10%
 Level 12:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 23% (passed)
   May train skill Compare to 85%
   May train skill Force lock to 46%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 68%
   May train skill Leather craft to 34%
   May train skill Switch weapon to 32%
   May train skill Axes to 52%
   May train skill Long blades to 42%
   May train skill Pummel to 85%
   May train skill Parry to 22%
   May train skill Dodge to 11%
 Level 13:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 25% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 51%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 75%
   May train skill Leather craft to 42%
   May train skill Switch weapon to 39%
   May train skill Alertness to 17%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 12%
   May train skill Axes to 57%
   May train skill Long blades to 47%
   May train skill Parry to 25%
   May train skill Dodge to 13%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 17%
 Level 14:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 26% (passed)
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 11% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 55%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 85%
   May train skill Leather craft to 51%
   May train skill Switch weapon to 47%
   May train skill Alertness to 23%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 18%
   May train skill Axes to 62%
   May train skill Long blades to 52%
   May train skill Parry to 28%
   May train skill Dodge to 15%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 19%
   May train skill Overbear to 25%
 Level 15:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 28% (passed)
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 12% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 59%
   May train skill Leather craft to 59%
   May train skill Switch weapon to 55%
   May train skill Alertness to 30%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 24%
   May train skill Bargain to 8%
   May train skill Axes to 68%
   May train skill Long blades to 57%
   May train skill Parry to 30%
   May train skill Dodge to 17%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 22%
   May train skill Overbear to 34%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 8%
 Level 16:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 29% (passed)
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 14% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 7% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 63%
   May train skill Alertness to 37%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 30%
   May train skill Bargain to 11%
   May train skill Scouting to 17%
   May train skill Long blades to 62%
   May train skill Parry to 33%
   May train skill Dodge to 18%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 24%
   May train skill Overbear to 44%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 11%
   May train skill Stun to 12%
 Level 17:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 30% (passed)
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 16% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 8% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 68%
   May train skill Alertness to 44%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 36%
   May train skill Bargain to 15%
   May train skill Scouting to 22%
   May train skill Long blades to 68%
   May train skill Parry to 35%
   May train skill Dodge to 20%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 27%
   May train skill Overbear to 53%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 13%
   May train skill Stun to 17%
 Level 18:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 32% (passed)
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 18% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 9% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 72%
   May train skill Alertness to 51%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 42%
   May train skill Bargain to 18%
   May train skill Scouting to 27%
   May train skill Long blades to 73%
   May train skill Parry to 38%
   May train skill Dodge to 22%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 29%
   May train skill Overbear to 62%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 16%
   May train skill Stun to 21%
   May train skill Throw weight to 8%
 Level 19:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 34% (passed)
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 20% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 10% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 76%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 48%
   May train skill Bargain to 22%
   May train skill Scouting to 32%
   May train skill Long blades to 78%
   May train skill Parry to 40%
   May train skill Dodge to 23%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 32%
   May train skill Overbear to 72%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 18%
   May train skill Stun to 25%
   May train skill Throw weight to 13%
   May train skill Dirty fighting to 21%
 Level 20:
   Trained skill Force lock to at least 34% (passed)
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 22% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 11% (passed)
   May train skill Force lock to 85%
   May train skill Deaths parry to 54%
   May train skill Bargain to 25%
   May train skill Scouting to 37%
   May train skill Long blades to 85%
   May train skill Parry to 43%
   May train skill Dodge to 25%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 34%
   May train skill Overbear to 85%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 21%
   May train skill Stun to 29%
   May train skill Throw weight to 18%
   May train skill Dirty fighting to 31%
   May train skill Combat sense to 12%
   May train skill Shield bash to 12%
 Level 21:
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 24% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 12% (passed)
   May train skill Deaths parry to 60%
   May train skill Bargain to 28%
   May train skill Scouting to 42%
   May train skill Parry to 45%
   May train skill Dodge to 27%
   May train skill Negate offhand penalty to 42%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 23%
   May train skill Stun to 34%
   May train skill Throw weight to 23%
   May train skill Dirty fighting to 41%
   May train skill Combat sense to 18%
   May train skill Shield bash to 17%
 Level 22:
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 26% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 13% (passed)
   May train skill Deaths parry to 66%
   May train skill Bargain to 32%
   May train skill Parry to 55%
   May train skill Dodge to 28%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 26%
   May train skill Stun to 42%
   May train skill Throw weight to 28%
   May train skill Dirty fighting to 51%
   May train skill Combat sense to 24%
   May train skill Shield bash to 22%
 Level 23:
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 28% (passed)
   Trained skill Bargain to at least 15% (passed)
   May train skill Deaths parry to 72%
   May train skill Bargain to 38%
   May train skill Dodge to 30%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 28%
   May train skill Throw weight to 34%
   May train skill Dirty fighting to 62%
   May train skill Combat sense to 30%
   May train skill Shield bash to 28%
 Level 24:
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 30% (passed)
   May train skill Deaths parry to 78%
   May train skill Dodge to 32%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 31%
   May train skill Throw weight to 39%
   May train skill Dirty fighting to 72%
   May train skill Combat sense to 36%
   May train skill Shield bash to 33%
 Level 25:
   Trained skill Deaths parry to at least 32% (at 30%)
   May train skill Deaths parry to 85%
   May train skill Dodge to 38%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 34%
   May train skill Throw weight to 46%
   May train skill Dirty fighting to 85%
   May train skill Combat sense to 42%
   May train skill Shield bash to 38%

Allows joining to the following guild:
 Dog Fighters Society

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"