
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
[Zoy's Inn]
[Zonni Swamps]

[Site History]
[Other Bat Sites]

Monk Guild Info

Dirs (From OCP): 77e, 3ne, 15e, 9se, e, 5se, 60e, 10s, 6se, 20s, se, 10s,
3e, 6se

[note skills are for 83%; adjust accordingly]

An old monk walks to you and gives you the information you need:
Name: The Warrior Brotherhood
Command: monk
Creator: Delecti
Maximum level: 30

The Warrior Brotherhood is a group of people who have decided to abandon
the trivialities of society and live in a closed environment, the monestary.
They live by a very strict code of honor and have taken a vow of poverty.
The members of the brotherhood only use their skills in self-defence and
believe that using weapons shows unforgivable weakness and despise everyone
who does so.

Joining requirements:
 Background must be good_religious (wrong or incomplete)
 Must pass 1 out of the following:
  Gender must be male (passed)
  Gender must be female (false)
Abilities gained when joining:
 Receive the monk robe
 Receive bonuses as you advance
 May train skill Alertness to 4%
 May train skill Hiking to 4%
 May train skill Consider to 16%
 May train skill Swim to 20%
 May train skill Discipline to 12%

Abilities and requirements at each level:
 Level 2:
   Trained skill Swim to at least 9% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 8%
   May train skill Hiking to 9%
   May train skill Consider to 25%
   May train skill Swim to 41%
   May train skill Discipline to 15%
 Level 3:
   Trained skill Swim to at least 20% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 12%
   May train skill Hiking to 14%
   May train skill Consider to 34%
   May train skill Swim to 62%
   May train skill Discipline to 19%
   May train skill Attack to 20%
   May train skill Bash to 20%
   May train skill Martial arts to 4%
   May train skill Meditation to 16%
 Level 4:
   Trained skill Swim to at least 30% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 3% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 16%
   May train skill Hiking to 19%
   May train skill Consider to 43%
   May train skill Swim to 83%
   May train skill Discipline to 22%
   May train skill Attack to 24%
   May train skill Bash to 29%
   May train skill Martial arts to 8%
   May train skill Meditation to 21%
 Level 5:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 7% (at 0%)
   May train skill   May train skill Alertness to 20%
   May train skill Hiking to 24%
   May train skill Consider to 53%
   May train skill Discipline to 25%
   May train skill Attack to 27%
   May train skill Bash to 37%
   May train skill Martial arts to 12%
   May train skill Meditation to 26%
   May train skill Dodge to 4%
 Level 6:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 10% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 24%
   May train skill Hiking to 29%
   May train skill Consider to 62%
   May train skill Discipline to 29%
   May train skill Attack to 30%
   May train skill Bash to 45%
   May train skill Martial arts to 16%
   May train skill Meditation to 31%
   May train skill Dodge to 7%
   May train skill Bless to 12%
   May train skill Baptize to 8%
 Level 7:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 14% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 29%
   May train skill Hiking to 34%
   May train skill Consider to 71%
   May train skill Discipline to 32%
   May train skill Attack to 34%
   May train skill Bash to 53%
   May train skill Martial arts to 20%
   May train skill Meditation to 36%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 20%
   May train skill Dodge to 10%
   May train skill Bless to 20%
   May train skill Baptize to 14%
 Level 8:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 18% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 33%
   May train skill Hiking to 39%
   May train skill Consider to 83%
   May train skill Discipline to 35%
   May train skill Attack to 37%
   May train skill Bash to 62%
   May train skill Martial arts to 24%
   May train skill Meditation to 41%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 23%
   May train skill Dodge to 14%
   May train skill Bless to 29%
   May train skill Baptize to 19%
   May train skill Throw weight to 4%
 Level 9:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 22% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 3% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 37%
   May train skill Hiking to 43%
   May train skill Discipline to 39%
   May train skill Attack to 40%
   May train skill Bash to 70%
   May train skill Martial arts to 29%
   May train skill Meditation to 46%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 25%
   May train skill Dodge to 17%
   May train skill Bless to 37%
   May train skill Baptize to 25%
   May train skill Throw weight to 9%
   May train skill Kick to 20%
 Level 10:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 25% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 6% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 41%
   May train skill Hiking to 48%
   May train skill Discipline to 42%
   May train skill Attack to 43%
   May train skill Bash to 83%
   May train skill Martial arts to 33%
   May train skill Meditation to 51%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 28%
   May train skill Dodge to 20%
   May train skill Bless to 45%
   May train skill Baptize to 31%
   May train skill Throw weight to 14%
   May train skill Kick to 29%
   May train skill Stun to 4%
 Level 11:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 29% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 10% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 45%
   May train skill Hiking to 53%
   May train skill Discipline to 45%
   May train skill Attack to 47%
   May train skill Martial arts to 37%
   May train skill Meditation to 56%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 30%
   May train skill Dodge to 24%
   May train skill Bless to 53%
   May train skill Baptize to 37%
   May train skill Throw weight to 19%
   May train skill Kick to 37%
   May train skill Stun to 7%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 4%
 Level 12:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 33% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 14% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 49%
   May train skill Hiking to 58%
   May train skill Discipline to 48%
   May train skill Attack to 50%
   May train skill Martial arts to 41%
   May train skill Meditation to 61%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 33%
   May train skill Dodge to 27%
   May train skill Bless to 66%
   May train skill Baptize to 43%
   May train skill Throw weight to 24%
   May train skill Kick to 45%
   May train skill Stun to 10%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 8%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 4%
 Level 13:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 37% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 19% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 53%
   May train skill Hiking to 63%
   May train skill Discipline to 52%
   May train skill Attack to 53%
   May train skill Martial arts to 45%
   May train skill Meditation to 66%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 35%
   May train skill Dodge to 30%
   May train skill Baptize to 48%
   May train skill Throw weight to 29%
   May train skill Kick to 53%
   May train skill Stun to 14%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 12%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 8%
 Level 14:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 40% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 23% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 58%
   May train skill Hiking to 68%
   May train skill Discipline to 55%
   May train skill Attack to 57%
   May train skill Martial arts to 49%
   May train skill Meditation to 71%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 38%
   May train skill Dodge to 34%
   May train skill Baptize to 54%
   May train skill Throw weight to 34%
   May train skill Kick to 62%
   May train skill Stun to 17%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 16%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 12%
 Level 15:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 44% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 26% (at 0%)
   May train skill Alertness to 70%
   May train skill Hiking to 74%
   May train skill Discipline to 58%
   May train skill Attack to 60%
   May train skill Martial arts to 53%
   May train skill Meditation to 83%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 40%
   May train skill Dodge to 37%
   May train skill Baptize to 62%
   May train skill Throw weight to 39%
   May train skill Kick to 70%
   May train skill Stun to 20%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 20%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 16%
   May train skill Defence sense to 4%
   May train skill Ki to 4%
 Level 16:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 48% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 30% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 3% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 2% (at 0%)
   May train skill Discipline to 62%
   May train skill Attack to 63%
   May train skill Martial arts to 58%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 43%
   May train skill Dodge to 40%
   May train skill Throw weight to 43%
   May train skill Kick to 83%
   May train skill Stun to 24%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 24%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 20%
   May train skill Defence sense to 9%
   May train skill Ki to 9%
 Level 17:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 52% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 34% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 6% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 5% (at 0%)
   May train skill Discipline to 65%
   May train skill Attack to 67%
   May train skill Martial arts to 62%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 45%
   May train skill Dodge to 43%
   May train skill Throw weight to 48%
   May train skill Stun to 27%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 29%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 24%
   May train skill Defence sense to 14%
   May train skill Ki to 14%
 Level 18:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 55% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 39% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 10% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 9% (at 0%)
   May train skill Discipline to 68%
   May train skill Attack to 70%
   May train skill Martial arts to 66%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 48%
   May train skill Dodge to 47%
   May train skill Throw weight to 53%
   May train skill Stun to 30%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 33%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 29%
   May train skill Defence sense to 19%
   May train skill Ki to 19%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 4%
 Level 19:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 59% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 43% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 14% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 13% (at 0%)
   May train skill Discipline to 72%
   May train skill Attack to 73%
   May train skill Martial arts to 70%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 50%
   May train skill Dodge to 50%
   May train skill Throw weight to 58%
   May train skill Stun to 34%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 37%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 33%
   May train skill Defence sense to 24%
   May train skill Ki to 24%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 9%
 Level 20:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 63% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 46% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 19% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 16% (at 0%)
   May train skill Discipline to 83%
   May train skill Attack to 83%
   May train skill Martial arts to 74%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 62%
   May train skill Dodge to 53%
   May train skill Throw weight to 63%
   May train skill Stun to 37%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 41%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 37%
   May train skill Defence sense to 29%
   May train skill Ki to 29%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 15%
   May train skill Iron palm to 4%
   May train skill Find weakness to 4%
 Level 21:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 67% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 50% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 23% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 19% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 3% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 1% (at 0%)
   May train skill Martial arts to 78%
   May train skill Dodge to 57%
   May train skill Throw weight to 68%
   May train skill Stun to 40%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 45%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 41%
   May train skill Defence sense to 34%
   May train skill Ki to 34%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 21%
   May train skill Iron palm to 11%
   May train skill Find weakness to 11%
 Level 22:
   Trained skill Martial arts to at least 70% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Throw weight to at least 54% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 26% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 23% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 9% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 5% (at 0%)
   May train skill Martial arts to 83%
   May train skill Dodge to 60%
   May train skill Throw weight to 74%
   May train skill Stun to 43%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 49%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 45%
   May train skill Defence sense to 39%
   May train skill Ki to 39%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 27%
   May train skill Iron palm to 19%
   May train skill Find weakness to 19%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 4%
 Level 23:
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 30% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 26% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 16% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 9% (at 0%)
   May train skill Dodge to 63%
   May train skill Stun to 47%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 53%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 49%
   May train skill Defence sense to 43%
   May train skill Ki to 43%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 33%
   May train skill Iron palm to 26%
   May train skill Find weakness to 26%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 13%
 Level 24:
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 34% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 30% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 23% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 13% (at 0%)
   May train skill Dodge to 67%
   May train skill Stun to 50%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 58%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 53%
   May train skill Defence sense to 48%
   May train skill Ki to 48%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 39%
   May train skill Iron palm to 34%
   May train skill Find weakness to 34%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 22%
   May train skill Throw weight to 83%, special requirements:
    Gender must be male (passed)
 Level 25:
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 39% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 34% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 29% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 16% (at 0%)
    May train skill Dodge to 70%
   May train skill Stun to 53%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 62%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 58%
   May train skill Defence sense to 53%
   May train skill Ki to 53%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 44%
   May train skill Iron palm to 41%
   May train skill Find weakness to 41%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 31%
 Level 26:
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 43% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 37% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 37% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 20% (at 0%)
   May train skill Dodge to 73%
   May train skill Stun to 57%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 66%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 62%
   May train skill Defence sense to 58%
   May train skill Ki to 58%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 50%
   May train skill Iron palm to 48%
   May train skill Find weakness to 48%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 40%
   May train skill Kiai-cry to 70%, special requirements:
   Gender must be female (false)
 Level 27:
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 46% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 40% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 43% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 24% (at 0%)
   May train skill Dodge to 77%
   May train skill Stun to 60%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 70%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 66%
   May train skill Defence sense to 63%
   May train skill Ki to 63%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 56%
   May train skill Iron palm to 56%
   May train skill Find weakness to 56%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 49%
 Level 28:
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 50% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 43% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 50% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 28% (at 0%)
   May train skill Dodge to 83%
   May train skill Stun to 66%
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 74%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 70%
   May train skill Defence sense to 68%
   May train skill Ki to 68%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 62%
   May train skill Iron palm to 63%
   May train skill Find weakness to 63%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 58%
 Level 29:
   Trained skill Defence sense to at least 54% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Ki to at least 48% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 57% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Find weakness to at least 31% (at 0%)
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 78%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 74%
   May train skill Defence sense to 83%
   May train skill Ki to 73%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 74%
   May train skill Iron palm to 71%
   May train skill Find weakness to 74%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 68%
 Level 30:
   Trained skill Ki to at least 51% (at 0%)
   Trained skill Iron palm to at least 63% (at 0%)
   May train skill Contact reflexes to 83%
   May train skill Enhance criticals to 78%
   May train skill Ki to 83%
   May train skill Iron palm to 83%
   May train skill Tumbling attack to 83%
   May train skill Stunned maneuvers to 83%, special requirements:
    Gender must be male (passed)
   May train skill Find weakness to 83%, special requirements:
    Gender must be female (false)

Allows joining to the following guild:
 The Warrior Brotherhood

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"