
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
[Zoy's Inn]
[Zonni Swamps]

[Site History]
[Other Bat Sites]

An Introduction Races

                        The Races of BatMUD

There are 44 different races that are divided to 31 races available
for everyone, 10 special races for the rebirthers and 3 player-owned
races one needs an invitation from the leader for.

Each race has its own characteristics and special abilities. You can
access information about races in the Vax Museum (find it from the
City of Bats) or in 'http://www.bat.org'. Also during the character
creation or reincarnation process the information is available. 

All races are good in some things and not that good in others. Your 
race sets your natural stats and skill modifiers, which will then
be furthermore affected by your choice of background, the guilds 
you join, magical equipment you wear...

Some races need to collect more experience and other races need less.
This depends on how good a race is compared to humans. Giants for
example need more experience than humans, kobolds need a lot less.
This is actually implemented as an 'experience rate', which dictates
how much experience points you get.

All races have a maximum age, once this age is reached the character
is force-reincarnated with a nasty cost. The age range is wide.
Each time you die your character becomes a bit older, and death is
not the only thing that causes aging. 

The specific commands and emotes for races can be accessed with 
 , try (for instance) 'dwarf help' to see a 
list of them, if you happen to be a dwarf.

Some races are reserved for rebirthers. 'help rebirth' for details 
on that.

Some races are invitation only. This means that you can't join the
race unless you have an invitation from the mortal owner of the race.
Note that the invitation is short-lived -- you must join the race
before reboot, or the invitation is lost!


                                             updated by Shardik

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"