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[100 Acre Forest]
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[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
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[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
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[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
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[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
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Tinmen Race

File updated in April, 2006.

The Tinmen race
General description:
The tinmen are said to be creations of powerful magicians.
Not very much is known on how they function and where they
come from. Some storytellers say that tinmen have no heart,
but their 'skin' is said to be extremely tough.
  Peelo leads the Tinmen race.

Strength: great                    Dexterity: low
Intelligence: impressive           Wisdom: feeble
Constitution: excellent            Size: average

Other features:
They have a good natural protection. They regenerate damage very slowly. They
are superior beings and therefore need more experience points. They adapt well
to the most complicated skills. Even the most difficult arcane powers can be
mastered by them. They are allergic to water. They can see in the dark. They
can eat corpses. They can detect magic on things. They have bad vision.

The spirits of the elders whisper to you:
Name: The Tinmen Collective
Command: tinmen_collective
Creator: Sirdar
Maximum level: 5

What's a mortal to make of the tinmens, those strange creatures of absolute
order who whir and click in our very midst? Theirs are not like other lives -
even the infinitely subtle demons are more comprehensible than these thronging
drones. To an outsider it appears the tinmen have no existence other than as a
whole. Indeed, there is a saying: 'To look at one tinmen is to look at all of
them.' It is only logical, as it is with all things tinmen, that they are
native to the magical world of Oz. To understand the tinmen, a being must stop
thinking like a person, like an individual. Only then can anyone hope to
comprehend the patterns of tinmen life.

Abilities gained when joining:
 Receive bonuses as you advance
 May study spell Heat reduction to 10%
 May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 19%
 May train skill Cold tolerance to 9%
 May train skill Endurance to 9%
 May train skill Tinning to 9%
 May train skill Mind over body to 4%

Abilities and requirements at each level:
 Level 2:
   May study spell Heat reduction to 13%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 38%
   May train skill Cold tolerance to 14%
   May train skill Endurance to 19%
   May train skill Tinning to 21%
   May train skill Mind over body to 9%

 Level 3:
   May study spell Heat reduction to 17%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 57%
   May train skill Cold tolerance to 19%
   May train skill Endurance to 28%
   May train skill Tinning to 33%
   May train skill Mind over body to 14%

 Level 4:
   May study spell Heat reduction to 21%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 76%
   May train skill Cold tolerance to 24%
   May train skill Endurance to 38%
   May train skill Tinning to 45%
   May train skill Mind over body to 19%

 Level 5:
   May study spell Heat reduction to 25%
   May train skill Alcohol tolerance to 96%
   May train skill Cold tolerance to 28%
   May train skill Endurance to 48%
   May train skill Tinning to 57%
   May train skill Mind over body to 24%

Allows joining to the following guild:
 The Tinmen Collective

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"