
Valar Race
File updated in April, 2006.
Invite-only race. Finger Tulkas:
Tulkas is a level 45 mortal of the Valar race.
He was created before 1997 and he is 52d, 1h, 6min and 38s old.
He was last on Wed Mar 15 01:04:00 2006 (1d, 17h, 54min and 54s ago).
He is the leader of the Valar race.
>To become a valar email me a story. twulks@yahoo.com Be patient. At some
>point I may invite you. Please read the Silmarillion first.
The Valar race
General description:
The Valar are the direct children of the Creator, Eru. It is their place in
the Universe to sing the song of creation. This makes them very powerful
beings indeed, yet this also makes it difficult for them to change. Their
numbers are in some ways limited but there are the lesser Maiar that also
play a small part in the song.
Tulkas leads the Valar race.
Strength: superb Dexterity: impressive
Intelligence: good Wisdom: superb
Constitution: nice Size: large
Other features:
They regenerate damage slowly. They regenerate magic points fast. They are
superior beings and therefore need more experience points. They are quick
learners of skills. They adapt well to the most complicated skills. Even the
most difficult arcane powers can be mastered by them. They can see in the
dark. They have half int, wis, dex, con and str if they become evil. They have
good vision. This race can only be joined by invitation from Tulkas.
You look at the plaque on the wall.
Name: The Celestial Warriors
Command: celestial_warrior
Creator: Sirdar
Maximum level: 5
It's a good thing that the demons are preoccupied with a problem that keeps
them off from the world. The Valars. It is a war of Valars against the demons.
It's supposed to be a war in the other planes of existence, but everyone and
everything seems involved. It's a war that has been going on sa long as
mortals have lived on the world, and it's a war neither side has yet to win.
Nobody even knows what are the exact goals of the war. Genocide's the best
guess - the demons and the Valar will fight each other until there's none
left. Why? Maybe some gods are playing and making the fight. Maybe the fight
has ensued because both sides want to. Nobody knows for sure how the war
started. The war is a grim blessing to the world, but too bad only the Valar
race is interested in the welfare of mortals.
Abilities gained when joining:
Receive bonuses as you advance
May train skill Bless to 9%
May train skill Ceremony to 9%
May train skill Cast magical to 4%
Abilities and requirements at each level:
Level 2:
May train skill Bless to 21%
May train skill Ceremony to 16%
May train skill Cast magical to 10%
Level 3:
May study spell Protection from evil to 5%
May train skill Bless to 33%
May train skill Ceremony to 24%
May train skill Cast magical to 16%
Level 4:
May study spell Banish demons to 10%
May study spell Protection from evil to 15%
May train skill Bless to 45%
May train skill Ceremony to 30%
May train skill Cast magical to 22%
Level 5:
May study spell Banish demons to 20%
May study spell Protection from evil to 25%
May train skill Bless to 57%
May train skill Ceremony to 38%
May train skill Cast magical to 28%
Allows joining to the following guild:
The Celestial Warriors

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"