
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
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Crimson Guide by Yari

History and Introduction:

Welcome to the Crimson Brigade. As a member of this guild, you have many abilities, and probably equally many questions. This book will, hopefully, answer some of those questions.

The guild is the oldest continually active guild in all of Batmud. The Fighters guild was created by Franco Colombo, in early 1991. Through time, the guild has undergone many changes, the most obvious was the change in name and form to the Crimson Brigade. Franco remains the GuildMaster ArchWizard to this day. The guild is also one of the largest guilds in the game, with many members on the game at any time. As the name implies, we are a guild of fighters. We hack and slash our way through monsters, with all the finesse that training can provide.

The rest of this book is filled with information to help the starting Brigade member, and perhaps even a few of the older ones who have forgotten a thing or two. This includes the basic commands that the guild gives, and general batmudding information.

Introduction to help:

The first thing that any member should do is look at your belt. It is your guild symbol, and you will always have it when you enter the game. Wear it with pride, it's a powerful piece of armour. You'll notice the 'chelp' command is printed on it, try that out, chelp is very useful. There are then several commands that deal with the mud in general that you should be aware of. Help set, help money, party help, help battle, help skills. In each of these cases, one should also read all related helps that are listed. Help set is very useful for a Crimson, be sure to understand that one well.

After you've read through and understand all these helps, use gms to introduce yourself to the rest of your guildmembers. GMS stands for Guild Message System. It is a channel that allows you to speak to the members of the guild. To use it, type 'gms ', where is the message you wish to relay. This is the source of the echoes in your head, which you may have already experienced. To see a list of who is listening to the channel, try a plain "gms" with no message, that will list all members and whether or not they are listening to the channel.

Notes on the Party system:

In batmud, it is necessary for players to work together to achieve success. Bat has an advanced partying system, it is essential to all fighters to be able to run a party. Party help is the command to get the help file, understand it and its related helps thoroughly. What the help does not list is party convention and etiquette. If you are a older player reading this, you can skim, but newbies ought to listen up. In a party, it is important that there be some measure of command. The party leader will typically be the person with the most hit points, in most cases, this will be you. In order to run a profitable and smooth party, it is important for the leader to know the abilities of the party members, and that they be directed well on when and where to use those abilities. Respect should be given to older players, that is, a young fighter ought not try to directly undermine a much higher level party member, as the high leveler has the experience the fighter may lack. In most cases, however, it is up to the party leader to decide what to do in touchy situations: it is the fighter's ability or lack thereof in this area that determines if the fighter is truly a talented player.

Notes on a Fighter's skills:

A fighter's skills are the base of all power. It is important to become familiar with the core set of skills, and since you have found the library, you most likely know the location of the guild trainroom. There, a fighter can list the skills available to him or her, and care should be taken to read the helps on these skills. A quick list of the skills with which every fighter should be intimately knowledgeable:

*Stun                          _____________________________
*Shield bash                  |KEY:                         |
*Negate offhand penalty       | * -- Combat skills, deal    |
*Push/Bash/Kick/Strikes       |   with offensive attack     |
*Battlecry                    |                             |
)Dodge                        | ) -- Non-combat, defensive  |
)Parry                        |   skills.                   |
)Consider                     |_____________________________|
)Stunned maneuvers
)Tumbling attack
**Weapon skills

Push/Bash/Kick/Strikes[slash, pound, stab, impale, and cleave] skills are a progression of special attacks that the Crimson uses in combat. Each does different damage, a relative idea of damage caused by each skill is given by their cost. As the cost of skills rises, in general, so its potential damage does too, with the strikes being the highest.

Battlecry is a powerful attack used to start a battle. If successful, it hits your opponent a vicious strike to start combat. Dodge and Parry do just as they say. Dodge is affected by carried weight, a heavily weighted fighter cannot dodge as effectively as one who carries little. Parry, similarly, has drawbacks also. In order to concentrate on parrying blows, one's offensive attacks must be relaxed. Consequently, using parry takes away from your attack skill. How intensely you concentrate on the parry skill is governed by the "parry" command. The level of concentration can be set from 0-51. Stun and Stunned maneuvers are opposite skills. Stun will, as is easily guessed, stun your opponent for a period of time, governed by the stunner's proficiency at the skill. However, monster can also stun, and this is the one thing that all fighters, even the most mighty, fear. A poorly timed stun by a foe can have dire consequences. To avoid that, one may train the stunned maneuvers skill, which gives the ability to shake off such a stun. Of course, such a skill is very difficult, both to train and to execute.

Consider, as is plainly obvious, allows the fighter to take a moment to assess a foe, to see what level of difficulty it may be. This is a rough estimate, and ought not be takes at its word exactly, but it does give a fairly good impression of how a potential foe might fight. This skill is HIGHLY recommended by the guild for lower level fighters. Weapon skills are a class of skills, one for each weapon type. 'Polearms' and 'long blades', for example. These skills govern how well you can use a certain weapon. A fighter must have proficiency in a weapon in order to use it properly. The Batmud weapon system is outlined in terms of relative strengths of each class of weapon in the file 'help weapons'.

For each of these skills there is a help file, in the general form 'help skill '. Help skill attack, for example. The help files will hopefully answer any questions you might have. For more on skills, try 'list skills all', you will be shown a list of every skill in the game. To get help on any particular skill, just use the help skill format I listed above.

Notes on Crimson Structure:

The crimson structure is roughly a tree of guilds, outlined below.

                   Crimson Light Infantry
                   Crimson Heavy Infantry
       ____________Crimson Senior Infantry_____________
      /        /             |           \             \
     /     S  /P   E   C   I | A   L   T  \I   E   S    \
    /        /               |             \             \
 Axes     Polearms     Long Blades     Short Blades     Bludgeons
   |         |               |              |             |
   |         | D   I   V   I | S   I   O   N|  S          |
{Weaponsmasters}        {Tacticians}             {Defenders}

[Note:  At this time, the Tacticians guild is not open.]
[If this changes, I shall update the book.]

To advance in the tree, if is often required of you to advance through lower levels of the guild structure. For more information, go to the individual guild's room and look at the info file.

General notes to new players:

Being a newbie at Batmud isn't always easy. The way players are set up here, there is a very large difference in power from a high level player to a newbie, and such power takes a long time to acquire. Consequently, it is often the case that newbies are seemingly ignored by highlevelers. There are ways that this problem can be helped a bit, and a few tips on Batmud etiquette follow.

First, when dealing with high level players, be polite, even if it kills you. ;) Sometimes, you'll want to kill them rather than thank them, but it's often better to let something that makes you angry go, rather than start a feud that you cannot win. Second, be persistent, don't give up immediately if you get no response back from a tell. Often times, a person can be busy, and simply misses an isolated tell. If you get no response in a minute or 2, try telling again, asking if they are busy. Most highlevelers will respond, if you give them a second. Third, don't push it ;). If a high leveler truly is ignoring you, it's often best to leave them alone, as they probably have a reason they aren't answering. If no response in the first couple of tells, wait a while before you try again. Fourth, use all the resources that you can. Batmud has many channels that can be used to get general information. You needn't ask the highest level player on the game where you can go find food, anyone above 15th level ought be able to tell you that, try using the bat channel or the guild(gms) channel. Fighters on the gms line are usually quite talkative and helpful, it's quite likely that you will get a response from them. Other resources that can help you are help files(which have been mentioned a lot...but not without reason, they are the #1 source for information, even if a bit boring) and the news system. The news system is also very important in terms of keeping atop of the current events in he mud. News, though perhaps not essential to the newbie at batmud, can be very useful. The layout is much the same as many other news readers, and has help files for those who are unfamiliar with it. Fifth, explore the town and the guild hall, and use the "map" command. Many valuable services are within the town and guild, from inexpensive food and weapons at the guild hall to healing purchased at the hospital to torches bought at Tinker's toolshop. A close familiarity with the guild hall and the city is essential to a player's success. A rule of thumb for survival in the city: if it looks dangerous, it probably is. There is not much in the city that will attack you, but use caution, strange things can happen.

[ NOTE: at the time of this writing, the guildhall is not open. If this changes, I shall take this note out.]

Notes on Channel Etiquette:

A major part of communication at Batmud is the channel system. They are extremely useful, and extremely numerous. In general it is considered bad form to repeat something over and over on a channel. For example, if you die, and are angry, it is unwise(though possibly satisfying) to 'bat DAMN!' more than once or twice, as it is rather 'noisy', as it were, to the other players. Also, it is generally better to conduct personal arguments through tells rather than on a public line. Some channels, such as Bat and Chat, are designed for general purpose conversation, anywhere from RL sports to what armours you prefer, these channels have it all. Since this is how they were designed, it's best to stay within these confines, that is, keep sales auctions to the sales line, and keep conversations to the Bat or chat lines. It may seem while you read this help that it's a minor point, but, experienced players will see that in fact it can be quite annoying to have a debate about if TNG is better than old Trek on the Sales line. ;)

Notes on Equipment:

A character's equipment is important to his or her survival. To see what items you are currently carrying, there are 2 commands, 'i' and 'eq'. 'i', short for inventory, shows all that you carry in your hands. 'eq', short for equipment, shows what you are currently using(wearing, wielding). All fighters rely heavily on their equipment. Some races have better natural armour classes or barehanded weapon classes, but compared to that which equipment will provide, these considerations are small. Armours and weapons can be damaged and break apart, to repair our armours and weapons, we must go outside our own abilities to other guilds, such as the merchants guild, or to a repair shop in the city. Try using merchants first because they are often nice and need all the help they can get to make a living, what with their guild being downgraded and all. Be thankful you have chosen to be a Crimson Brigade member.

Characters at Batmud have the ability to save their equipment over a game reset. This can be accomplished in three main ways: Crash Recovery System(CRS), rent shop in the city, or player castles. CRS is a system that(hopefully) will save your skin in the event of a game crash. When the game comes back up, with a bit of luck(CRS is not infallible, unfortunately), a character will have all items on his or her character when the character was last saved before the game went down. This is not really a way to save eq over a reboot, but only a crash, which, with luck, will not occur. The rent shop is a place in town where a player can rent space space to save items over a reboot. The system is fairly simple, for detailed information, go to the rent shop[see the map, as mentioned above] and look at the signs/posters that are there. Player castles are the most common and complex method to save eq. The subject of player castles is an enormous one, and there is an entire cave, with several shops, dedicated to the purchasing and customization of one's castle. The cave shop is located just north of the city, for more detailed information, go there and explore. Castles are largely the domain of higher level characters, and require a HUGE initial investment, but they bear mentioning here, as they are so important to life at Batmud.

Getting around Batmud: Fighters, who have no real talent for magic, are generally forced to rely on their feet to get around. Mapping is helpful to some people, to remember how to get from point A to point B; Bat is very large(For more info on bat navigation, see my other book titled 'The outworld map'). Be sure to investigate the 'walk' command, it is very important if you are planning any long walk through the outworld. There are, however, a few other ways to get around Bat. The most important, and the only alternative to walking that will be mentioned here, is the tree system. The trees are located in key positions throughout the outworld, and offer transport from location to location for a fee in gold the size of which is decided by the owner of that tree. The tree system makes a network of interconnected locations that may take more than one transport to get from point A to point C, as not all trees are connected to all others.

Notes on Food:

Characters at Bat need to consume food. When you type 'score', it will list your current hunger status. If you become less than satiated, and you do not eat to avoid becoming 'FAMISHED', you will begin to lose weight, i.e., your size stat will decrease, and eventually, you will start to lose hit points. The benefits of a good meal are obvious. There are many ways to get the food you need in the game. In the Guild Hall itself, Enzo the baker makes a very filling loaf of bread, and he keeps the price nice and low for the Fighters. The city proper has a bakery, and a restaurant in which to purchase foodstuffs. Several guilds, including crimson, have the ability to get food, either through spells or through skills(tinning, hunting). The supply of food is quite high, it is just a matter of making sure you do not leave yourself stranded in some maze with no food, as the consequences can be nasty.

Final notes:

Becoming a high-level player at Batmud is not easy or fast. As it stands when this book was written, to be a top 100 player, you must be above level 40. However, with persistence and some luck(and taking some of the advice given in this book), it is not unachievable. The information given here is far from complete, there is much else to be learned, and much more after that, which cannot be learned through help files, but only by experience.

Things like:
- knowing when to pull a party out of combat on a last-second decision
- knowing what is a reasonable syntax for a command in a new area(which can sometime be very difficult to decipher!)
- knowing how to create and execute new strategies in a combat situation
- knowing, because it will happen, when you cannot win a fight, and to retreat to save your hide.

All of this and more is possible to learn, if you are willing to put in the effort to do so.

Yari Shidosha, the Captain of Fighters (Noble Friend)

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"