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[Door to the Past]
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[Horsehead Mtn]
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Quick Chant

Info by Tiga

The QC percentage is probably close to your actual skill percentage and can be used as such. The Quick Lips boon has not											
been incorporated into this scheme. Increase QC percentage somewhat to compensate, if you have QL. Note though,											
that QL+QC can make spells longer than 3 rounds complete much faster than with QC alone!											

A table lookup is used to determine the effects of QC. The "Rounds" column doesn't include the initial round for												
entering the spell in battle. Disruption can thus be cast only every two rounds, even though the spell												
casting time is officially 1 round. QC has no effect on disruption												

	QC%	Note the table is for up to 14 rounds, but only 4 rounds are used.													
Rounds->	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14
	0.01	1	2	3	4	5	6	6.9	7.9	8.9	9.9	10.9	11.9	12.9	13.9
	0.02	1	2	3	3.9	4.9	5.9	6.9	7.9	8.8	9.8	10.8	11.8	12.8	13.7
	0.03	1	2	2.9	3.9	4.9	5.9	6.8	7.8	8.8	9.7	10.7	11.7	12.6	13.6
	0.04	1	2	2.9	3.9	4.8	5.8	6.8	7.7	8.7	9.6	10.6	11.6	12.5	13.5
	0.05	1	1.9	2.9	3.9	4.8	5.8	6.7	7.7	8.6	9.6	10.5	11.5	12.4	13.4
	0.06	1	1.9	2.9	3.8	4.8	5.7	6.6	7.6	8.5	9.5	10.4	11.3	12.3	13.2
	0.07	1	1.9	2.9	3.8	4.7	5.7	6.6	7.5	8.4	9.4	10.3	11.2	12.2	13.1
	0.08	1	1.9	2.8	3.8	4.7	5.6	6.5	7.4	8.4	9.3	10.2	11.1	12	13
	0.09	1	1.9	2.8	3.7	4.6	5.6	6.5	7.4	8.3	9.2	10.1	11	11.9	12.8
	0.1	1	1.9	2.8	3.7	4.6	5.5	6.4	7.3	8.2	9.1	10	10.9	11.8	12.7
	0.11	1	1.9	2.8	3.7	4.6	5.5	6.3	7.2	8.1	9	9.9	10.8	11.7	12.6
	0.12	1	1.9	2.8	3.6	4.5	5.4	6.3	7.2	8	8.9	9.8	10.7	11.6	12.5
	0.13	1	1.9	2.7	3.6	4.5	5.4	6.2	7.1	8	8.8	9.7	10.6	11.5	12.3
	0.14	1	1.9	2.7	3.6	4.4	5.3	6.2	7	7.9	8.8	9.6	10.5	11.3	12.2
	0.15	1	1.9	2.7	3.6	4.4	5.3	6.1	7	7.8	8.7	9.5	10.4	11.2	12.1
	0.16	1	1.8	2.7	3.5	4.4	5.2	6.1	6.9	7.7	8.6	9.4	10.3	11.1	12
	0.17	1	1.8	2.7	3.5	4.3	5.2	6	6.8	7.7	8.5	9.3	10.2	11	11.8
	0.18	1	1.8	2.6	3.5	4.3	5.1	5.9	6.8	7.6	8.4	9.2	10.1	10.9	11.7
	0.19	1	1.8	2.6	3.4	4.3	5.1	5.9	6.7	7.5	8.3	9.1	10	10.8	11.6
	0.2	1	1.8	2.6	3.4	4.2	5	5.8	6.6	7.4	8.2	9.1	9.9	10.7	11.5
	0.21	1	1.8	2.6	3.4	4.2	5	5.8	6.6	7.4	8.2	9	9.8	10.6	11.4
	0.22	1	1.8	2.6	3.4	4.1	4.9	5.7	6.5	7.3	8.1	8.9	9.7	10.4	11.2
	0.23	1	1.8	2.5	3.3	4.1	4.9	5.7	6.4	7.2	8	8.8	9.6	10.3	11.1
	0.24	1	1.8	2.5	3.3	4.1	4.8	5.6	6.4	7.1	7.9	8.7	9.5	10.2	11
	0.25	1	1.8	2.5	3.3	4	4.8	5.6	6.3	7.1	7.8	8.6	9.4	10.1	10.9
	0.26	1	1.7	2.5	3.2	4	4.7	5.5	6.3	7	7.8	8.5	9.3	10	10.8
	0.27	1	1.7	2.5	3.2	4	4.7	5.4	6.2	6.9	7.7	8.4	9.2	9.9	10.7
	0.28	1	1.7	2.4	3.2	3.9	4.7	5.4	6.1	6.9	7.6	8.3	9.1	9.8	10.5
	0.29	1	1.7	2.4	3.2	3.9	4.6	5.3	6.1	6.8	7.5	8.2	9	9.7	10.4
	0.3	1	1.7	2.4	3.1	3.8	4.6	5.3	6	6.7	7.4	8.2	8.9	9.6	10.3
	0.31	1	1.7	2.4	3.1	3.8	4.5	5.2	5.9	6.7	7.4	8.1	8.8	9.5	10.2
	0.32	1	1.7	2.4	3.1	3.8	4.5	5.2	5.9	6.6	7.3	8	8.7	9.4	10.1
	0.33	1	1.7	2.3	3	3.7	4.4	5.1	5.8	6.5	7.2	7.9	8.6	9.3	10
	0.34	1	1.7	2.3	3	3.7	4.4	5.1	5.8	6.5	7.1	7.8	8.5	9.2	9.9
	0.35	1	1.6	2.3	3	3.7	4.3	5	5.7	6.4	7.1	7.7	8.4	9.1	9.8
	0.36	1	1.6	2.3	3	3.6	4.3	5	5.6	6.3	7	7.7	8.3	9	9.7
	0.37	1	1.6	2.3	2.9	3.6	4.3	4.9	5.6	6.3	6.9	7.6	8.2	8.9	9.6
	0.38	1	1.6	2.2	2.9	3.6	4.2	4.9	5.5	6.2	6.8	7.5	8.2	8.8	9.5
	0.39	1	1.6	2.2	2.9	3.5	4.2	4.8	5.5	6.1	6.8	7.4	8.1	8.7	9.4
	0.4	1	1.6	2.2	2.9	3.5	4.1	4.8	5.4	6.1	6.7	7.3	8	8.6	9.3
	0.41	1	1.6	2.2	2.8	3.5	4.1	4.7	5.4	6	6.6	7.3	7.9	8.5	9.2
	0.42	1	1.6	2.2	2.8	3.4	4.1	4.7	5.3	5.9	6.6	7.2	7.8	8.4	9.1
	0.43	1	1.6	2.1	2.8	3.4	4	4.6	5.3	5.9	6.5	7.1	7.7	8.4	9
	0.44	1	1.6	2.1	2.8	3.4	4	4.6	5.2	5.8	6.4	7	7.7	8.3	8.9
	0.45	1	1.5	2.1	2.7	3.3	3.9	4.5	5.2	5.8	6.4	7	7.6	8.2	8.8
	0.46	1	1.5	2.1	2.7	3.3	3.9	4.5	5.1	5.7	6.3	6.9	7.5	8.1	8.7
	0.47	1	1.5	2.1	2.7	3.3	3.9	4.5	5.1	5.6	6.2	6.8	7.4	8	8.6
	0.48	1	1.5	2	2.7	3.2	3.8	4.4	5	5.6	6.2	6.8	7.3	7.9	8.5
	0.49	1	1.5	2	2.6	3.2	3.8	4.4	4.9	5.5	6.1	6.7	7.3	7.8	8.4
	0.5	1	1.5	2	2.6	3.2	3.7	4.3	4.9	5.5	6	6.6	7.2	7.8	8.3
	0.51	1	1.5	2	2.6	3.2	3.7	4.3	4.8	5.4	6	6.5	7.1	7.7	8.2
	0.52	1	1.5	2	2.6	3.1	3.7	4.2	4.8	5.4	5.9	6.5	7	7.6	8.2
	0.53	1	1.5	1.9	2.6	3.1	3.6	4.2	4.8	5.3	5.9	6.4	7	7.5	8.1
	0.54	1	1.5	1.9	2.5	3.1	3.6	4.2	4.7	5.2	5.8	6.3	6.9	7.4	8
	0.55	1	1.4	1.9	2.5	3	3.6	4.1	4.7	5.2	5.7	6.3	6.8	7.4	7.9
	0.56	1	1.4	1.9	2.5	3	3.5	4.1	4.6	5.1	5.7	6.2	6.7	7.3	7.8
	0.57	1	1.4	1.9	2.5	3	3.5	4	4.6	5.1	5.6	6.1	6.7	7.2	7.7
	0.58	1	1.4	1.8	2.5	3	3.5	4	4.5	5	5.6	6.1	6.6	7.1	7.6
	0.59	1	1.4	1.8	2.4	2.9	3.4	4	4.5	5	5.5	6	6.5	7.1	7.6
	0.6	1	1.4	1.8	2.4	2.9	3.4	3.9	4.4	4.9	5.4	6	6.5	7	7.5
	0.61	1	1.4	1.8	2.4	2.9	3.4	3.9	4.4	4.9	5.4	5.9	6.4	6.9	7.4
	0.62	1	1.4	1.8	2.4	2.8	3.3	3.8	4.3	4.8	5.3	5.8	6.3	6.8	7.3
	0.63	1	1.4	1.7	2.4	2.8	3.3	3.8	4.3	4.8	5.3	5.8	6.3	6.8	7.3
	0.64	1	1.4	1.7	2.3	2.8	3.3	3.8	4.3	4.7	5.2	5.7	6.2	6.7	7.2
	0.65	1	1.3	1.7	2.3	2.8	3.2	3.7	4.2	4.7	5.2	5.7	6.1	6.6	7.1
	0.66	1	1.3	1.7	2.3	2.7	3.2	3.7	4.2	4.6	5.1	5.6	6.1	6.6	7
	0.67	1	1.3	1.7	2.3	2.7	3.1	3.7	4.1	4.6	5.1	5.5	6	6.5	7
	0.68	1	1.3	1.6	2.3	2.7	3.1	3.6	4.1	4.5	5	5.5	5.9	6.4	6.9
	0.69	1	1.3	1.6	2.3	2.7	3.1	3.6	4	4.5	5	5.4	5.9	6.4	6.8
	0.7	1	1.3	1.6	2.2	2.6	3	3.6	4	4.4	4.9	5.4	5.8	6.3	6.7
	0.71	1	1.3	1.6	2.2	2.6	3	3.5	4	4.4	4.9	5.3	5.8	6.2	6.7
	0.72	1	1.3	1.6	2.2	2.6	3	3.5	3.9	4.4	4.8	5.3	5.7	6.2	6.6
	0.73	1	1.3	1.5	2.2	2.6	2.9	3.5	3.9	4.3	4.8	5.2	5.6	6.1	6.5
	0.74	1	1.3	1.5	2.2	2.6	2.9	3.4	3.9	4.3	4.7	5.2	5.6	6	6.5
	0.75	1	1.2	1.5	2.2	2.5	2.9	3.4	3.8	4.2	4.7	5.1	5.5	6	6.4
	0.76	1	1.2	1.5	2.2	2.5	2.8	3.4	3.8	4.2	4.6	5.1	5.5	5.9	6.3
	0.77	1	1.2	1.5	2.1	2.5	2.8	3.4	3.7	4.1	4.6	5	5.4	5.9	6.3
	0.78	1	1.2	1.4	2.1	2.5	2.8	3.3	3.7	4.1	4.6	5	5.4	5.8	6.2
	0.79	1	1.2	1.4	2.1	2.4	2.8	3.3	3.7	4	4.5	4.9	5.3	5.7	6.2
	0.8	1	1.2	1.4	2.1	2.4	2.7	3.3	3.6	4	4.5	4.9	5.2	5.7	6.1
	0.81	1	1.2	1.4	2.1	2.4	2.7	3.3	3.6	3.9	4.4	4.8	5.2	5.6	6
	0.82	1	1.2	1.4	2.1	2.4	2.6	3.2	3.6	3.9	4.4	4.8	5.1	5.6	6
	0.83	1	1.2	1.3	2.1	2.3	2.6	3.2	3.5	3.9	4.4	4.7	5.1	5.5	5.9
	0.84	1	1.2	1.3	2.1	2.3	2.6	3.2	3.5	3.8	4.3	4.7	5	5.5	5.9
	0.85	1	1.1	1.3	2.1	2.3	2.5	3.2	3.5	3.8	4.3	4.6	5	5.4	5.8
	0.86	1	1.1	1.3	2.1	2.3	2.5	3.1	3.4	3.7	4.3	4.6	4.9	5.4	5.7
	0.87	1	1.1	1.3	2	2.3	2.5	3.1	3.4	3.7	4.2	4.5	4.8	5.3	5.7
	0.88	1	1.1	1.2	2	2.2	2.4	3.1	3.4	3.6	4.2	4.5	4.8	5.3	5.6
	0.89	1	1.1	1.2	2	2.2	2.4	3.1	3.3	3.6	4.2	4.5	4.7	5.3	5.6
	0.9	1	1.1	1.2	2	2.2	2.4	3.1	3.3	3.5	4.1	4.4	4.7	5.2	5.5
	0.91	1	1.1	1.2	2	2.2	2.3	3.1	3.3	3.5	4.1	4.4	4.6	5.2	5.5
	0.92	1	1.1	1.2	2	2.2	2.3	3.1	3.2	3.4	4.1	4.3	4.6	5.1	5.4
	0.93	1	1.1	1.1	2	2.1	2.3	3	3.2	3.4	4.1	4.3	4.5	5.1	5.4
	0.94	1	1.1	1.1	2	2.1	2.2	3	3.2	3.3	4.1	4.2	4.4	5.1	5.3
	0.95	1	1	1.1	2	2.1	2.2	3	3.2	3.3	4	4.2	4.4	5.1	5.3
	0.96	1	1	1.1	2	2.1	2.2	3	3.1	3.2	4	4.2	4.3	5	5.2
	0.97	1	1	1.1	2	2.1	2.1	3	3.1	3.2	4	4.1	4.2	5	5.2
	0.98	1	1	1	2	2	2.1	3	3.1	3.1	4	4.1	4.2	5	5.1
	0.99	1	1	1	2	2	2	3	3	3.1	4	4	4.1	5	5.1
	1	1	1	1	2	2	2	3	3	3	4	4	4	5	5

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"