
[Bat Map]

[100 Acre Forest]
[Alch House]
[Ancona Manor]
[Ant Hill]
[Bat City]
[Burning Village]
[Castle Brantis]
[Catfolk Tree]
[Caves of Orac]
[Caverns of Chaos]
[Corn Field]
[Crimson Brigade]
[Dark Castle]
[Dark Forest]
[D'hregal Mines]
[Door to the Past]
[Elf Village]
[Enchanted Forest]
[Frozen Valley]
[Goblin Caves]
[Goblin Farm]
[Goddess Garden]
[Halls of Dead]
[Hell's Dojo]
[Hill Giants]
[Horsehead Mtn]
[Horn Durath]
[Inn o/t 4 Winds]
[Ivory Tower]
[Katvil Forest]
[King Eowyns]
[Lands of Lor]
[Lonely Mountain]
[Midnight Carnival]
[Mountain Dwarf]
[Mushroom Hill]
[Newbie Forest]
[Newbie Mines]
[Newbry Park]
[Newbie Mtn]
[Newbie Zoo]
[Norse Village]
[Old Forest]
[Orc Scouts]
[Perilous Forest]
[Pig Farm]
[Public Garden]
[Rainbow Cloak]
[Rain Forest]
[Red Tides]
[Secret Jungle]
[Skeep Prison]
[Snow Mtn]
[Temple o/Winds]
[Tiburcio's Tower]
[Trog Village]
[Urvile Tree]
[Valley of Silence]
[Wizard of Oz]
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Yari's Spell Incantation Index

A kings feast  -  "Eat the Rich, there's only one thing..."
Achromatic eyes  -  Like most babies smell like butter...
acid arrow  -  fzz zur semen
Acid blast  -  fzz mar nak grttzt
acid rain  -  fzz zur sanc gnatz namauch
Acid storm  -  fzz mar nak semen gnatlnamauch
acid wind  -  fzz zur sanc
Airsteel  -  whooz
Anti magic field  -  taikoja ma inhoan
Artificial intelligence  -  nitin mof
aura detection  -  foooooooooooohh haaahhh booooloooooh
Aura of power  -  noccon mof
awareness  -  siwwis mof
banish  -  havia kauhistus pois
Banish demons  -  anal natrach zbzawaacc
Barkskin  -  burr burr
bearskin  -  murraugh
Blast lightning  -  zot zur semen
blast vacuum  -  ghht mar nak grttzt
Blessing of Tarmalen  -  nilaehz arzocupne
blind mind  -  "sulta taiat pois, mulle hyva mieli taikadaikaduu"
blurred image  -  zblrt~tbpttpt
Campfire tune  -  "What child is this, who laid..."
cause critical wounds (?)  -  ylufgzh qhqfcfhuzar
cause light wounds  -  ylufgzh olofzh
cause serious wounds (?)  -  ylufgzh frrqzz
Chain lightning  -  zot mar nak semen gnatlnamauch
Chaos bolt  -  ghht zur semen
clairvoyance  -  ala tule paha kakku tuke hyva kakku
Clandestine thought  -  Everything is not for thou to see.
cold ray  -  cah mar nak grttzt
Con fioco  -  AeaH*h***Gdg
confusion  -  barfff utshanzz
copy protection  -  "VAROKAA, OMAISUUS ON MERKITTY"
create air armour  -  ilma on sakeampaa kuin veri
create food  -  "juustoa ja pullaa, sita mun maha halajaa"
create gold  -  goldie midas
create healing pill  -  aspiyreen fizzi
create money  -  roope ankka ruleltaa
Cure blind  -  zeeesja fargomousil
cure critical wounds  -  judicandus mangenic
cure light wounds  -  judicandus mercuree
Cure player  -  freudemas egoid
cure serious wounds  -  judicandus ignius
curse of ogre  -  rtsstr uurthg
darkness  -  na ful
Death armour  -  reboundz dadamage
Deaths door  -  mumbo jumbo
destroy armour  -  rikki ja poikki
Destroy weapon  -  se on sarki nyt
detect alignment  -  annihilar hzzz golum
Dimension door  -  prtolala offf pwerrrr
disease  -  noccon uurthg
dispel evil  -  gchchandusioghp
dispel good  -  whoosy banzziii pal eeeiizz dooneb
displacement  -  zipza^pzop
disruption  -  fzz zur fehh
Disruptive C  -  ear PIERCING sound:
Dragonfear  -  Fear me.
electric field  -  Ziiiiiiiiiiit Ziit Ziiiit
Electrocution  -  zot mar nak grttzt
Enchant weapon  -  bartfff sxzch uzbaturcx xchanem
energy drain  -  yugfzhrrr suuck suuuuuuck suuuuuuuuuuck
entropy  -  vaka vanha vainamoinen
essence shield  -  Aryu Xperienced
Evil curse  -  mumbo mumbo mumbo jakka dakka hippitippi
feather weight  -  suomen hoyhen
feeblemind  -  nitin uurthg
Fire blast  -  fah zur semen
firebolt  -  fah zur sanc
flame arrow  -  fah zur fehh
Flip  -  jammpa humppa ryydy mopsi
floating disc  -  rex car xzar
floating letters  -  lentavia lauseita
giant strength  -  rtsstr mof
Go  -  og
Golden arrow  -  gtzt mar nak grttzt
Half Harm  -  yugzhrr paf
half heal  -  pzzarr paf
harm (?)  -  yugzhrr
Harm body  -  PAF PAF PAF!
Haste  -  etelainen lohduttaja
heal  -  pzzarr
heal all  -  koko mudi kuntoon, hep
heal body  -  ZAP ZAP ZAP!
Heavy weight  -  tonnikalaa
Holy cross  -  ddracc
Holy hand  -  duck a drac
icebolt  -  cah mar nak semen
identify  -  mega visa huijari
imprisonment  -  imprickening zang gah
invisibility  -  ..... .... ... .. .  .!
iron will  -  phblthplbht!
killing cloud  -  krkx mar nak grttzt gnatlnamauch
Lava blast  -  fah mar nak grttzt
Lava storm  -  fah mar nak semen gnatlnamauch
Lessen poison  -  Impetiquo es bien
Levin bolt  -  gtzt zur semen
life leech (?)  -  gimme urhits
Life link  -  Corporem Connecticut Corporee
life shield  -  Zzzuck Eurzelf
light  -  ful
lightning bolt  -  zot zur sanc
Lightning storm  -  zot mar nak semen gnatlnamauch
magic missile  -  gtzt zur fehh
Magic wave  -  gtzt mar nak semen
Major asphyxiation resistance  -  qor monoliftus
Major electrical resistance   -  AC/DC
Major fire resistance  -  hot hot not
Major magical resistance  -  meke tul magic
Major physical resistance  -  major kzkrt rex zero
major poison resistance  -  morri morri pantoloosa
make scar  -  viiltaja jaska
mana drain  -  I HATE MAGIC
Mana shield  -  Nullum Mana Drano
Melodical Embracement  -  the maidens had other plans
Mental watch  -  kakakaaa tsooon
Merry Singalong  -  sing-a-long
meteor blast  -  fah mar nak semen
Meteor swarm  -  fah zur sanc gnatlnamauch
Mind link  -  miisiinnn liiiing
minor acid resistance  -  "minor sulphiric, hydrochloric, kids stuff"
Minor asphyxiation resistance  -  minor qor monoliftus
Minor electrical resistance  -  minor AC/DC
Minor fire resistance  -  minor hot hot not
Minor magical resistance  -  minor meke tul magic
Minor physical resistance  -  minor kzkrt rex zero
minor poison resistance  -  minor morri morri pantoloosa
mirror image  -  peilikuvia ja lasinsirpaleita
Mobile cannon  -  ogybee
money is power  -  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
moon sense  -  daaa timaaa of daaa maaanth
Musicians alm  -  Here comes Molly in an overcoat...
Mystical squire  -  start preparing some armour
Neutralize field  -  "null, nill, noll, nutin"
new body  -  tuo fo wen stanhc
Noituloves deathlore  -  Thar! Rauko! Mor! Ris-Rim! Fuin-Heru!...
Noituloves dischord  -  TWANNNGG!!!
permanent feather weight  -  SUOMEN HOYHEN
poison  -  saugaiii
poison blast  -  krkx zur sanc
poison spray  -  krkx zur sanc gnatlnamauch
power blast  -  krkx mar nak semen
Prepare flask  -  phylli phylli
preserve corpse  -  upo puurre helkama
Prophecy  -  "Andros, I implore you for guidance"
protect armour  -  purpleeeeeeeeee
protect weapon  -  aQQQssnana***suka??am!a
Protection from evil  -  Pahuus on pehmoille
Protection from good  -  good is dumb
psishield  -  thooiiiissss huuuiahashn
punishment  -  iiiihihihih hihihihih hihihih iiiiiiiihihihih
quicksilver  -  viuhuu vauhuua
raise dead  -  vokinsalak elfirtluassa
regeneration  -  nilaehz temnahecne
Reincarnation  -  henget uusix
Relocate  -  xafe uurthq
Remove poison  -  judicandus saugaiii
Remove scar  -  ikzaz zueei enz orn
Resist entropy  -  Ourglazz Schmourglazz
resist magical  -  barazz tshanzz feww harr grrrrrahhh
resist physical  -  barazz tshanzz fezz
resurrect  -  tuo fo wen stanhc
Ripen plant  -  greeeniee fingeriiee
satiate person  -  Creo Herbamus Satisfus
see invisible  -  $%&@ #*%@*@# $&*@#
See magic  -  ahne paskianen olen ma kun ...
sex change  -  likz az zurgeon
shadow armour  -  ful na .. .q^st
shelter  -  withing thang walz
shield  -  klanggg
shield of protection  -  klangg tongg
shocking grasp  -  zot zur fehh
Soothing sounds  -  Now that two decades gone by...
Spellteaching  -  "moon fisku, soot tyhma - opi tasta taika"
Strangulation  -  ghht mar nak semen
Suffocation  -  ghht zur sanc
summon carnal spores  -  krkx mar nak grttzt
Summon greater spores  -  gtzt mar nak semen
Summon lesser spores  -  gtzt zur sanc
Suppress magic  -  hus hus hus
Teleport with error  -  xafe xyyqh xckgandhuzqarr
Teleport without error  -  xafe ayz xckgandhuzqarr
The pathfinder  -  "Fo fu fe fum,"
True heal  -  judicandus zapracus
Turn undead  -  drac a duck
Uncontrollable mosh  -  "III want to ROAR, III want to SLAM..."
Unstun  -  nostunna nostunna
Vacuum ball  -  ghht zur sanc gnatlnamauch
Vacuum globe  -  ghht mar nak semen gnatlnamauch
vacuumbolt  -  ghht zur fehh
Venom Tolerance  -  No PAIN! NO PAIN!
Venturers way  -  "..a few steps to earthen might,"
War ensemble  -  "War is TOTAL massacre, sport..."
water walking  -  Jeeeeeeeeesuuuuuuuus
weapon reduction  -  HUGE shrinkerama
Wizard eye  -  mad rad dar
word of recall  -  vole love velo levo

This Spell Incantation Index is by no means complete.  I spent many
hours attempting to rtack down all the spells, but it is not a simple
task.  Many thanks to all those that helped me, I would list them, but
to be honest, the list of who helped me is longer than the list of
those who did NOT help me.  I employed just about every spellcaster
who would answer my tells.  If you see a spell that needs to be added,
Please mail me with the spell name and incantation.
I cannot guarantee the validity of many of these chants, some may have
slight typos or be totally wrong; I would not know, because I did not
do all of the research personally.  Some spell incantations have been
abbreviated, particularly in the case of rather long-winded bardic
chants.  If you cannot find a bardic chant, you might search for part
of it.


(maintained by Dryad)

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"