
Materials -- Organic Alloys
List compiled by Dryad.
Organic materials:
material class
air organ
burlap cloth
charcoal organ
cloth cloth
cotton organ
enchanted air organ
feathers organ
flesh organ
food organ
fur cloth
hemp organ
ice organ
leather cloth
paper paper
silk cloth
vegetation organ
wax organ
wool cloth
air + burlap = enchanted air
air + charcoal = ?
air + cloth = enchanted air
air + cotton = enchanted air
air + enchanted air = flesh
air + feathers = flesh
air + flesh = enchanted air
air + food = enchanted air
air + fur = enchanted air
air + hemp = enchanted air
air + ice = flesh
air + leather = enchanted air
air + paper = enchanted air
air + silk = enchanted air
air + vegetation = enchanted air
air + wax = flesh
air + wool = enchanted air
burlap + air = enchanted air
burlap + charcoal = ?
burlap + cloth = fur
burlap + cotton = fur
burlap + enchanted air = fur
burlap + feathers = wool
burlap + flesh = silk
burlap + food = cotton
burlap + fur = wool
burlap + hemp = fur
burlap + ice = fur
burlap + leather = fur
burlap + paper = silk
burlap + silk = fur
burlap + vegetation = silk
burlap + wax = leather or silk
burlap + wool = fur
charcoal + air = ?
charcoal + burlap = ?
charcoal + cloth = cotton
charcoal + cotton = food
charcoal + enchanted air = food
charcoal + feathers =
charcoal + flesh =
charcoal + food = cotton
charcoal + fur = cloth
charcoal + leather = cloth
charcoal + vegetation = cotton
charcoal + wax = food
cloth + air = enchanted air
cloth + burlap = fur
cloth + charcoal = cotton
cloth + cotton = food
cloth + enchanted air = food
cloth + feathers = food
cloth + flesh = vegetation
cloth + food = cotton
cloth + fur = burlap
cloth + hemp = cotton
cloth + ice = silk
cloth + leather = fur
cloth + paper = silk
cloth + silk = leather
cloth + vegetation = cotton
cloth + wax = food
cloth + wool = fur
cotton + air = enchanted air
cotton + burlap = fur
cotton + charcoal = food
cotton + cloth = food
cotton + enchanted air = food
cotton + feathers = food
cotton + flesh = vegetation
cotton + food = enchanted air
cotton + fur = burlap
cotton + hemp = food
cotton + ice = vegetation
cotton + leather = fur
cotton + paper = food
cotton + silk = cloth
cotton + vegetation = food
cotton + wax = food
cotton + wool = fur
enchanted air + air = flesh
enchanted air + burlap = fur
enchanted air + charcoal = food
enchanted air + cloth = food
enchanted air + cotton = food
enchanted air + feathers = food
enchanted air + flesh = air
enchanted air + food = air
enchanted air + fur = wool
enchanted air + hemp = vegetation
enchanted air + ice = flesh
enchanted air + leather = silk
enchanted air + paper = air
enchanted air + silk = leather
enchanted air + vegetation = flesh
enchanted air + wax = flesh
enchanted air + wool = fur
feathers + air = flesh
feathers + burlap = wool
feathers + charcoal = ?
feathers + cloth = food
feathers + cotton = food
feathers + enchanted air = food
feathers + flesh = ice
feathers + food = ice
feathers + fur = wool
feathers + hemp = vegetation
feathers + ice = flesh
feathers + leather = wool
feathers + paper = flesh
feathers + silk = ice
feathers + vegetation = ice
feathers + wax = ice
feathers + wool = fur
flesh + air = enchanted air
flesh + burlap = silk
flesh + charcoal = ?
flesh + cloth = vegetation
flesh + cotton = vegetation
flesh + enchanted air = air
flesh + feathers = ice
flesh + food = ice
flesh + fur = silk
flesh + hemp = vegetation
flesh + ice = vegetation
flesh + leather = silk
flesh + paper = ice
flesh + silk = ice
flesh + vegetation = ice
flesh + wax = ice
flesh + wool = silk
food + air = enchanted air
food + burlap = cotton
food + charcoal = cotton
food + cloth = cotton
food + cotton = enchanted air
food + enchanted air = air
food + feathers = ice
food + flesh = ice
food + fur = cotton
food + hemp = cotton
food + ice = cotton
food + leather = cotton
food + paper = cotton
food + silk = cloth
food + vegetation = cotton
food + wax = cotton
food + wool = cotton
fur + air = enchanted air
fur + burlap = wool
fur + charcoal = cloth
fur + cloth = burlap
fur + cotton = burlap
fur + enchanted air = wool
fur + feathers = wool
fur + flesh = silk
fur + food = cotton
fur + hemp = burlap
fur + ice = silk
fur + leather = burlap
fur + paper = silk
fur + silk = leather
fur + vegetation = silk
fur + wax = leather or silk
fur + wool = burlap
hemp + air = enchanted air
hemp + burlap = fur
hemp + charcoal = ?
hemp + cloth = cotton
hemp + cotton = food
hemp + enchanted air = vegetation
hemp + feathers = vegetation
hemp + flesh = vegetation
hemp + food = cotton
hemp + fur = burlap
hemp + ice = vegetation
hemp + leather = vegetation
hemp + paper = vegetation
hemp + silk = vegetation
hemp + vegetation = wax
hemp + wax = vegetation
hemp + wool = burlap
ice + air = flesh
ice + burlap = fur
ice + charcoal = ?
ice + cloth = silk
ice + cotton = vegetation
ice + enchanted air = flesh
ice + feathers = flesh
ice + flesh = vegetation
ice + food = cotton
ice + fur = silk
ice + hemp = vegetation
ice + leather = silk
ice + paper = flesh
ice + silk = flesh
ice + vegetation = flesh
ice + wax = flesh
ice + wool = fur
leather + air = enchanted air
leather + burlap = fur
leather + charcoal = cloth
leather + cloth = fur
leather + cotton = fur
leather + enchanted air = silk
leather + feathers = wool
leather + flesh = silk
leather + food = cotton
leather + fur = burlap
leather + hemp = vegetation
leather + ice = silk
leather + paper = silk
leather + silk = fur
leather + vegetation = silk
leather + wax = silk
leather + wool = fur
paper + air = enchanted air
paper + burlap = silk
paper + charcoal = ?
paper + cloth = silk
paper + cotton = food
paper + enchanted air = air
paper + feathers = flesh
paper + flesh = ice
paper + food = cotton
paper + fur = silk
paper + hemp = vegetation
paper + ice = flesh
paper + leather = silk
paper + silk = leather
paper + vegetation = flesh
paper + wax = flesh
paper + wool = cloth
silk + air = enchanted air
silk + burlap = fur
silk + charcoal = ?
silk + cloth = leather
silk + cotton = cloth
silk + enchanted air = leather
silk + feathers = ice
silk + flesh = ice
silk + food = cloth
silk + fur = leather
silk + hemp = vegetation
silk + ice = flesh
silk + leather = fur
silk + paper = leather
silk + vegetation = flesh
silk + wax = ice
silk + wool = fur
vegetation + air = enchanted air
vegetation + burlap = silk
vegetation + charcoal = cotton
vegetation + cloth = cotton
vegetation + cotton = food
vegetation + enchanted air = flesh
vegetation + feathers = ice
vegetation + flesh = ice
vegetation + food = cotton
vegetation + fur = silk
vegetation + hemp = wax
vegetation + ice = flesh
vegetation + leather = silk
vegetation + paper = flesh
vegetation + silk = flesh
vegetation + wax = flesh
vegetation + wool = silk
wax + air = flesh
wax + burlap = leather or silk ???
wax + charcoal = food
wax + cloth = food
wax + cotton = food
wax + enchanted air = flesh
wax + feathers = ice
wax + flesh = ice
wax + food = cotton
wax + fur = leather (and silk sometimes?)
wax + hemp = vegetation
wax + ice = flesh
wax + leather = silk
wax + paper = flesh
wax + silk = ice
wax + vegetation = flesh
wax + wool = ice
wool + air = enchanted air
wool + burlap = fur
wool + charcoal = ?
wool + cloth = fur
wool + cotton = fur
wool + enchanted air = fur
wool + feathers = fur
wool + flesh = silk
wool + food = cotton
wool + fur = burlap
wool + hemp = burlap
wool + ice = fur
wool + leather = fur
wool + paper = cloth
wool + silk = fur
wool + vegetation = silk
wool + wax = ice
burlap + cloth + flesh = cotton
burlap + cloth + leather = fur
burlap + cloth + vegetation = cotton
burlap + feathers + fur = wool
burlap + fur + leather = wool
burlap + fur + wool = leather
burlap + fur + vegetation = cotton
cloth + food + vegetation = cotton
cloth + food + leather = cotton
cloth + flesh + vegetation = silk
cloth + fur + wax = cotton
cloth + cotton + flesh = food
cloth + cotton + fur = burlap
cloth + cotton + leather = ?
cloth + cotton + wool = fur
cloth + flesh + silk = vegetation
cloth + flesh + vegetation = silk
enchanted air + wax + wool = silk
enchanted air + feathers + leather = wool
flesh + ice + wax = vegetation
flesh + ice + vegetation = enchanted air
flesh + vegetation + wax = ice
fur + leather + silk = burlap
cloth + cotton + enchanted air + food = fur
vegetation + cloth + fur + wool = cotton
leather + fur + food + wax = cloth
flesh + silk + ice + cloth = vegetation
cloth + fur + leather + flesh = silk
cotton + silk + wax + flesh = vegetation
cotton + vegetation + leather + fur + flesh = silk
cloth + flesh + ice + leather + burlap = silk
cotton,leather,wax,flesh,fur,wool = silk
flesh,cloth,feathers,leather,enchanted air,hemp,wool = silk
air,cloth,food,cotton,fur,hemp,silk = enchanted air
flesh,wax,wool,vegetation,ice,enchanted air = silk
vegetation,flesh,fur,burlap,food,silk,cotton = cloth
air,burlap,cloth,cotton,enchanted air,feathers,flesh,food,fur,hemp,
ice,leather,paper,silk,vegetation,wax,wool = charcoal
(need to test all of above plus charcoal)
(need to test all of above, omitting feathers to get feathers, etc)

"Making the Outerworld Smaller TM"